The Book of Rebirth

At this moment, his heart went cold.

Very quickly, the head controlled by the Shadow God turned into a sheet of light and then vanished into thin air.

Everything about the Shadow God had vanished.

Lei Luo frowned.

He had caught an extremely weak, strange ripple.

It was as if it didn't exist, but he could keenly sense it.

The next moment, he stretched out his hand and grabbed. The void distorted, and then a drop of black blood appeared.

This drop of black blood seemed to have no life left. It just floated there, but it didn't disappear in the earlier annihilation.

Right at this moment, the drop of black blood suddenly shook. It actually exploded with an intense light, instantly disappearing into the void.

Lei Luo revealed a look of surprise.

What the hell? This Shadow God wasn't completely dead?