Angels and Demons

"Really?" Bing asked excitedly.

Who wouldn't care about their looks for a beautiful girl?

"But, you have to be my woman."

Lei Luo pinched Bing's little nose and teased her.

But at this moment, Lei Luo was observing the couple.

The husband and wife were really handsome, and the wife was especially beautiful.

They were a good match, but Lei Luo felt that something was wrong.

This man was too handsome, and the woman was too beautiful to be human.

A thought suddenly flashed in Lei Luo's mind.

Could it be that they weren't human?

No wonder they could live for so long without aging.

He released his spiritual sense and quickly scanned the area. The result surprised Lei Luo.

It turned out that the woman was a four-winged angel of power. The man was actually a four-winged demon.

An angel and a demon...together?