Came To the Library

"Lei Luo, what did you do just now!?"

Lei Luo smiled and returned to the dormitory with a tired face.

Jack and the other two asked him with great concern.

"Nothing, I just went to take care of some things."

Lei Luo sat down on the bed, lay down and fell asleep.

He did not expect that this was only the first day of school and he was already so tired.

Tomorrow would be the official start of class. Anyway, he had to get a good sleep first.

A vague thought flashed through Lei Luo's mind, and the day of school officially began.

Early the next morning, Lei Luo was woken up by Jack, who was overloaded with energy.

"Boss, you should get up soon! Go to class early so that you can find something to do!"

Jack ignored everyone's objections and forcefully pulled the three of them up.

Of course, he was also blamed by everyone,