God’s Punishment, Wrath of Nature

The water element in the space quickly gathered toward Lei Luo.

Everyone noticed that something was wrong.

They quickly rushed toward Lei Luo, but it was too late.

Countless blue lights suddenly surged out of Lei Luo's body and spread out.

They quickly covered the entire empty space.

Everyone was instantly frozen into ice sculptures.

The captured elves did not feel any fear as they looked at the ice aura that was rapidly surging towards them.

Instead, they smiled in relief. They knew that it would be better to die in their hometown after being captured.

And before they died, there was finally someone to avenge them.

These hateful humans were finally dead.

But in the next moment, they were all shocked.

Because the blue icy aura had bypassed all the elves and surged towards the humans behind them.

An elf couldn't help but shout, "This is impossible!"

This was a water-type forbidden spell!