It’s Time to Go Back

These days, Yuna had been living under heavy pressure every day. However, what made Yuna puzzled was that although this master often did things to her, he had never really done it with her.

This made Yuna puzzled. According to her master's personality, he shouldn't be like this.

Today, Yuna also went on a routine patrol with the demon dragon to the nearby waters. When she returned, she found that her master had a guest.

This evil master of hers actually had friends?

But when she saw this person's face, she was instantly dumbfounded.

Because this face was actually exactly the same as her master's.

Could this be her master's brother?

Although Yuna didn't understand, she still walked up to her master as usual, knelt down, and called him 'Master' in a low voice.

Destruction lifted Yuna's chin and asked her to look at Lei Luo.

"How is it? Not bad, right? I saved her and Michelle for you."