Return After Six Years

Because five people jumped off the black dragon's back, the others were all shocked when they saw this. This was a Dragon Knight!

A true Dragon Knight!

This dragon was obviously a high-level dragon.

At this time, Little Yue'er, who was at the door, ran over happily.

The elf on her body directly transformed into a young girl's appearance as she threw herself into the arms of the silver-masked man on the dragon's back.

Although this kind of luck was not shallow, the surrounding people all saw the terrifying destructive power of the elf throwing herself into the man's arms under the man's feet.

The ground was filled with cracks that looked like a turtle shell. They were at least five to six to seven meters long.

Everyone shrunk their necks. If this was an ordinary person, they would probably be knocked to death.

Lei Luo caressed the elf in his arms and said softly, "Alanis, long time no see."