Managing Utopia Manor

Although he already knew that this child wouldn't be an ordinary person, seeing this scene, which could only happen when he reached the god of magic, Habacca was still shocked. He knew what this meant.

This child would definitely become the god of magic in the future!


Habacca was stunned by the scene in front of him.

In his lifetime, he had never seen a baby with such an expression.

It was as if he was an old man who had experienced thousands of years of vicissitudes of life.

Mellie stared at Lei Luo for a long time.

Suddenly, she said to Habacca, "Come and educate him yourself."

In the blink of an eye, fourteen years had passed.

Lei Luo, who was still in his infancy, had now become a handsome young man.

Fourteen years ago, Habacca had been confident in educating Lei Luo well, and he had high expectations for Lei Luo's growth.

But now, Habacca was not satisfied with the results of his teaching.