Medical Fees for Katz

This was a casino without stars.

The lowest entrance fee was exactly 100 copper coins.

The limit of a single bet was 20,000 copper coins.

Any amethyst card with more than 10 million copper coins would automatically be converted into 100,000 silver coins.

At this time, they would refuse to enter this casino.

This was also to prevent these low-level casinos from being turned into ATM machines by those gambling experts.

Lei Luo had used facts to prove how meaningful this setting was.

Lei Luo had only used a short half a year's worth of earnings, and he had used 100 copper coins to earn 106,000 silver coins from those poor fat sheep.

This was the speed at which Lei Luo often deliberately lost money in order to reduce the attention of others.

If it wasn't for the disguise, Lei Luo could have won the same amount of money at a much faster speed.

Even so, Lei Luo could still stay there.