Unfair Bet

"Are you kidding me? How can I lose without a fight?"

Lei Luo thought as he knocked on the table with his right index and middle fingers.

As soon as he finished knocking, nine porcelain bowls appeared on the table.

Byron looked at Lei Luo, stretched out his right hand, and drew a word in front of him.

"Please place your bet."

There was no psychological analysis for the first round.

The simple probability of red and black was only 50-50.

Therefore, Lei Luo did not think too much about it. He turned around and asked Trump, "What is the lowest bet of Wind and Cloud Pavilion?"

"500 gold coins," Trump answered.

Lei Luo frowned slightly.

Without any hesitation, he threw down the chips that represented 500 gold coins.


"Your luck doesn't seem too good."

Byron smiled and opened the porcelain bowl, revealing a red round black iron plate.