
As soon as he stepped out of the carriage, Lei Luo slammed into someone.

Lei Luo looked up and saw that he had hit a burly man who was a full head taller than him.

He was dressed in tattered adventurer clothes and wore a few broken armor pieces.

Lei Luo was about to say he was sorry. He looked up at the brawny man and noticed that the man's arms were crossed and he was glaring down at him.

His eyes were looking down at him from a 45-degree angle.

"Do you have five silver coins on you?"

"I've long heard that there are people in the city pretending to be refugees to beg. So it's true."

Lei Luo thought so and smiled at him with a friendly shrug.

He wanted to go around and walk away.

The brawny man took a step to the side and blocked Lei Luo.

He put the huge palm in front of Lei Luo's eyes and clenched it tightly.

He continued to ask, "Do you have five silver coins on you?"