Media Crystal

Robert looked at Lei Luo and Morton in confusion. He had no idea what they were up to.

"Let's say a bandit group attacked the church, and you send a bandit character to arrest them. However, a team completed the bandit character according to your requirements. Then, they only need to pass your certification. Can this team automatically get the money from the reserve center of the Mercenary Guild given by the senate?"

"Of course, since it is a free F-class quest, then naturally the reward is also given by the senate. Even if we calculate it according to the highest F-class reward, it is only 30,000 gold coins. We can only publish it ten times a year at most. This is nothing to the Senate."

"Even if I give you all these ten opportunities, the total will not exceed 600,000 gold coins."

"Guild leader, you've misunderstood us. Of course, we don't want guild leader to give this opportunity to us."

Morton paused for a moment.