“I Will Always Protect You.”

The sudden appearance of hundreds of black dots on the crystal caused a pirate to cry out.

Zha Mu turned around and fixed the black dots. When he zoomed in, he saw that it was a light frigate that won with speed.

There were more than 200 frigates in total.

It was obvious that this was a brand new symbol on the ship. It was the symbol of the East God.

This time, the pirates in the command center looked at Lei Luo with even more hatred than before. Their eyes sparkled, and they wished they could swallow Lei Luo whole.

One of the pirates waved his arm and angrily roared, "Leader, don't be afraid of him. F*ck. It's just two hundred light frigates. We'll give up our old assets and destroy them."

However, his sorrowful cry didn't receive any response.

Although the other pirates were as angry as him, they knew that this suggestion would result in their deaths.