I Only Want You

Allie knew what kind of relationship Strachey had with Ulysses, but she didn't give in.

"Your Highness, we can only talk to you alone."

"How dare you!" Ulysses said almost immediately.

Allie lowered her head and didn't argue, but she didn't give in either.

At this moment, Strachey stood up.

"Your Highness, I suddenly remembered that there are still some matters at the tax center that I want to take care of."

After saying that, Strachey left.

Ulysses looked at Allie unhappily. "Can I finally ask for your advice now?"

Five minutes later, Lei Luo, who had been drinking outside Ulysses' residence, finally appeared in front of Ulysses.

When Ulysses appeared, Allie was shocked.

Because the Lei Luo at this moment had almost nothing in common with the Lei Luo she thought of.

If not for the fact that this face was so familiar, Allie would have thought that someone she had never seen had come to the door.