An Unprecedented Miracle

At this moment, Lei Luo, who had never done this in a day of combat training, was gambling with his life.

He had used his life to exchange for a minute of brilliance for this heavy armor of the Empire's Knights.

Allie controlled the heavy armor of the Empire's Knights and spun on the spot. After dozens of heavy armor warriors reached the end of the battle once again, no one dared to get close to them.

Allie did not want to fight with them. When she flew out of the big hole, she located Ludwig, who was escaping, in a short three seconds.

"It's that heavy-armor soldier of the Empire."

Allie made a judgment at the first moment.

Therefore, after Allie forced back the personal guards, she immediately rose into the air and chased after Ludwig.

After she rose into the air, the Imperial Knights who had unsheathed their dual blades started burning again due to the friction with the air.