Learn to Respect Others


The defense officer looked hesitant.

"Say what you have to say. Why are you stammering?"

Arthur was furious that he didn't know whether to say it or not.

"They have cut off our magic supply."

"What's there to report? This is a matter of course. Hurry up and use backup magic."

"In the past few days, we've been using backup magic. Now, we've almost used up all of it. Even if we use our defensive magic to the minimum, we can only hold on for another ten minutes at most. If we use it to the maximum, we only have thirty-two seconds left."

To the defense officer's surprise, Arthur did not get angry when he heard this news.

He nodded and patted the defense official's shoulder.

"Sorry, it's been hard on you. Do your best."

As soon as Arthur finished speaking, he turned around and saw Morton and Zacken appear behind him.