
At this time, Lei Luo smiled faintly and said, "Do you know that all of you share a common prejudice? This is the common prejudice of the entire empire. It is this prejudice that caused mankind's fear of the magic conductor, and it is also this prejudice that caused the hatred of the magic conductor towards mankind. This prejudice is that all of you view the magic conductor as an industrial product that can be produced by flowing water, and not a living person."

As he said this, Lei Luo sighed softly and asked in return, "But are they really not human? Don't they have a head, two ears, a pair of hands, and a pair of feet like us? Don't they have to eat, wear clothes, be afraid of the cold, and be afraid of the heat like us? Don't they yearn for friends and fear loneliness like us? Why should we doubt that they have rich emotions like us? And why should we doubt that they have souls like us? Is it just because we are conceived in the womb and they are magic incubators?"