The Golden Wall of Glory

It was more like a slave ship or an escape ship than a passenger ship.

The ten beds in the cabin were stacked with people.

There were only two or three people in each bed. Basically, there were four or five people.

What was more frightening was that on the way to each row of beds, there were many people who made chairs out of their skin.

Sitting there, the corridor was completely blocked.

The cabin was still like a steamer. It was hot and dry. The omnipresent flow of people was emitting heat, and the air was mixed with all kinds of messy odors.

"Are you kidding me? A week of travel and you're actually sitting there?"

With an unbelievable thought, Lei Luo struggled to squeeze step by step out of his window. When he walked to his bed, he saw that there were already three people sitting on his bed. All of them were very young children, and they looked about four or five years old.