
While Lei Luo was still wondering why there was no sound, a tall figure rushed out from the white fog and hugged Lei Luo's thigh as he began to wail loudly.

"Where the hell did you go? I've been here for hundreds of billions of years. I'm almost bored to death."

The tall figure was a tall and handsome youth, but his current appearance was a little unbearable to look at. Why did these people like to hug his leg so much? It was truly detestable.

Thinking of this, Lei Luo flicked his leg and shooed the young man away. He asked, "What's going on? Who are you? Are you crazy? I don't know you."

The young man's face was filled with shock. He said in disbelief, "You don't know me?"

"Yes, why are you acting this way?"

Lei Luo was a little confused. What was going on? However, the young man quickly adjusted his clothes and saluted Lei Luo.

"You can call me the root, or the beginning of everything."