Sakakami’s Home

An old man with white hair and a strong appearance chased after a young man dressed in sloppy clothes.

"Unfilial son, I dare you to have such thoughts."

The old man angrily hit the young man. When he saw Lei Luo from the corner of his eye, his body also stopped.

"Old fart, is it that difficult to give General Takeda a divine weapon? When that time comes, everyone will suffer."

The young man's mouth kept muttering, but he did not retaliate, allowing the old man's palm to land on his body.

The old man saw that a guest had come, so he stopped and said to Lei Luo, "Since a guest has come, I'll let you off this time. If I find out that you have such thoughts the next time, I'll beat you to death."

"Come in, guest."

The old man spoke to Lei Luo and walked into the smithy. Lei Luo nodded and followed. The young man watched as Lei Luo walked in, muttering to himself as he walked towards the center of the capital.