See You Again, Ichiro Kitajo

While waiting for the second match, the audience below the stage began to cheer towards the stage. Lei Luo, who had been paying attention to the other stages, turned his attention to the other stage.

A man who was like a giant tower had just torn the person on the stage into two halves. Fresh blood sprayed onto Lei Luo's face, and everyone cheered for him.

This man's fighting style was very crude. Basically, he used his body to withstand his opponent's attacks, forcing his opponent into a corner of the stage, and using his hands to crush his opponent into pieces.

The people who saw this for the first time would undoubtedly feel disgusted and even fear this person. However, the audience below the stage seemed to have been fed up with the complicated swordsmanship, and they admired this kind of barbaric physical technique to the extreme.