
At the same time, Morton and Katz walked in the drizzle with Allie holding an umbrella. They walked towards a black marble tombstone.

After suppressing the internal rebellion, they successfully occupied the Cape of Good Hope and successfully made the place their own.

Trump also fulfilled his promise to hold the trade there in his hands. The Doomsday Dusk Alliance did not make a move against Trump. Without the leader's words, they did not dare to make a move against an act that was close to rebellion.

After the riots in the past few days, Morton used the power of the book of the immortal to wipe out the opposition forces in the city. However, in order to fake the death of Lei Luo, they decided to hold a grand funeral.

Charlotte and Tolle were behind Morton. All the members of the Black Angel Army stood behind them and bowed to Lei Luo's tombstone. This was their eternal spiritual guide and an army that existed for Lei Luo's will.