Blithering fool

Windy Fir woodlands

North of the outskirts of Greystones


Aden stood over Iris's shoulder watching her stoke a fire as she prepared to smoke a stack of meat neatly stacked in the corner while Irina sat a little off watching the two with a slight smile.

It's been three days since they settled down here temporarily to gather food and the constant chatter of the duo helped her get out of her depression.

The former queen was now just a shadow of her former self with seemingly fewer burdens on her shoulders, both for better and worse.

She no longer had to deal with the matters of the court and had long dropped her perfect and inviolable attitude as queen to become human again for once in a long time since her coronation.

Although she was still worried sick about her husband, just like her daughter Iris, she had come to accept the fact of the issue and have faith in her husband because just like sir Aden said, Leonard could be an unkillable cockroach if he really wanted to.

Memories of her the time she shared with her husband involuntarily brought a smile to her face. He brought light into her drab boring life of being a noble. His playful attitude and childlike tantrums so unbefitting of a king had never failed to bring a smile to her face.

Although when her marriage was arranged by the previous king and she was aggrieved about marrying someone who she knew nothing about there was nothing she could do then.

Even if he was going to be the future king she had no interest in him as a person. She who came from a lesser noble family cherished things other noblemen would take for granted, things like freedom and adventure.

So she never expected that just because she was dubbed one of the kingdom's three belles among the noble's of Algrim when she came of age that the crown prince would suddenly develop an interest in her and she would lose that freedom she so cherished to be a confined in the boring routine of being royal.

She wanted to refuse but the fear of angering the former king and bringing destruction on her family made her accept the marriage with hidden grievances...

But when she finally got to know Leonard for who he truly was and not like the aloof and haughty prince she had imagined him as was, she grew to love him from the depths of her heart.

They later had Iris, whose gender immediately unnerved her thinking Leonard would ignore her young child in expectation of a male heir but she soon realized her worries where all for nought.

Leonard never treated their child differently but instead brought Iris up as a king would his heir, treating her with as much love and care as a father could.

He groomed her to the surprise of everyone including Irina to be the heir and inheritor to the throne.

Although many were disgruntled they couldn't do anything about it and had to swallow their grievances in silence.

And while many were disturbed, even more people, young masters and knights, in particular, came in a bid to win her favour but the young princess under the wings of her overprotective father turned them all down.

Even that vile king of Hertalese, Tukhus Wesselbutum sent his son to seek Iris's hand in marriage to 'end all grievances and bad blood between the two nations' after the war, but he was ruthlessly turned down and sent away by Iris with the support of her father.

Seeing her daughter curiously asking questions and receiving guidance from her husband's elder brother, just like Leonard himself had done years ago made her feel warm inside.




Aden's traps took a while to get triggered but in the end, out of the fourteen, only nine got triggered and out of the nine, only four out of them all actually catching something.

In the end, the numbers prevailed as they ended up with two dead hares, a dead badger, and one young crippled doe.

Under Iris's insistence, Aden taught her to the skin and butcher the hares using badger as an example but he did the doe himself to avoid wasting the meat on it but he left her to smoke it.

They had moved the horses a few minutes away when he wanted to slaughter the doe and had not brought them back.

Although these horses had experienced the trails of war, it was customary for knights to spare their horses especially noble steeds from the torment of watching a 'relative' get butchered for food.

After finishing up with the meat Aden decided that it was time for them to pack up and continue towards Greenfields.

They first had to reach Maidenpool harbour at the fringes of the Windy fir woodlands and take a sailing sloop along the Strega river to the Redwater harbour then ride down to Greenfields.

Although they could have just used the harbour at Greystones to board a ship along the Strega river straight to Redwater while bypassing Maidenpool...

But to avoid Hertalean soldiers possibly barricading the harbour to contain the fleeing nobility they had to detour through Windy fir forest.

Aden packed up the smoked meat in a large bag made from the deer's pelt and was about to go retrieve the horses when he heard a crackling in the bushes.

He quickly pulled out his waist dagger just as a large hulk burst out laughing and swinging a horribly large halberd in a full arc towards his head

Aden quickly jumped and rolled across the floor narrowly dodging the sneak attack.

The momentum of the heavy iron halberd continued towards a waist sized tree.


The great halberd slammed with the force of a bowling ball into the side of the tree sending splinters flying in all directions.

The force got the weapon lodged in the tree trunk granting Aden a few seconds to retrieve his greatsword as Vlad ripped the halberd out of the tree. The force of the strike left a deep horrific-looking gash on the side of the aged tree.

"Uh... Did I miss it?" He questioned with a cocked head as in bafflement as if surprised he missed his target.

Just as Aden picked his claymore Iris had already unsheathed her iron short sword, standing defensively in front of her mother as she eyed the six other men who just popped out of the woods.

They all wore either leather armour, padded clothing or just had their bare tunics on while wielding a variety of weapons ranging from short blunt daggers to gruesome-looking battle axes.

Their faces were twisted in extreme rage which made Aden's trio wonder if one of them killed their mothers and defiled their sisters sometime in the past. But unknown to them the bandits were actually angry at the halberd wielding hulk currently engaging Aden.

[Why can't this idiot follow the plan for once in his life.] They screamed in frustration in their hearts.

The scheme apparently was to wait for their remaining associates who had spread out searching to arrive. They had planned to attack when the knight had walked far enough from the two women.

That way they could hold the women hostage and use them to force the knight into submission without having to risk their lives fighting someone who had received training since his childhood.

But Vlad decided to impatiently jump out when the plan was not fully in place, taking matters into his own hands.




Like always Aden analysed the circumstances before him.

Six men...

And a gruesome-looking bear stood before him.

That's seven in total, two more than last time.

"This is going to be a tough one." He muttered to himself.

Giving a sideways glance at the women standing behind him, Aden instructed.

"Iris stay with your mother, you must protect her. I would be busy for a while and might not be able to help you."

"Don't let Leonard's teachings be in vain."

Hearing that Iris's eye hardened as she moved closer to her mother essentially boxing her in against a tree. With her blades positioned defensively across her chest, she eyed two of the bandits who approached them.

Noticing this Aden nodded contently inwardly before fully channelling his attention at the hulk lumbering closer to him.

He made brief eye contact with his opponent, who only smirked at him. He didn't want to admit but the veteran fighter felt a hint of fear in his heart before stubbornly snuffing it out.

He could fell it in the giant's stride. the natural prowess, as if born to fight, to murder, to destroy.

The remaining bandits flanked them but refused to make the first move.

Tension grew.

Aden knew he was slowly running out of time. Iris probably wouldn't be able to hold on for long. It was paramount the ended this. And fast!

As if by cue, Aden's eyes crossed Vlad's again, but this time the Duke only felt bloodlust.

And they were off.

The two main combatants dashed forward with the remaining four following closely behind looking for an opportunity to strike.



Vlad charged at him with his halberd swinging downwards in a vicious arc.

Uncertain about his ability to successfully block such an attack, Aden dodged.

Skidding across the floor, barely escaping Vlad's swing.

Aden rolled on the balls of his feet

Going for a fore-swing, he aimed at the giants exposed back.


Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw three figures approach him with devious intent and a fourth already in place to defend the exposed hulk.

Aborting, he leapt back in time to dodge four consecutive, well-coordinated attacks.

Skidding across the forest litter, he looked up to see that the four assailants stopped and didn't press the attack.

Confused he looked towards the hulk, understanding.

"So you guys are like his bodyguards? Right, I can assume such." Aden said scrutinising the squad.

"Your friend there is too slow to protect himself, so you guys are filling in that gap making sure he doesn't get blindsided, right?"

"Besides that weapon of his must be tiring to use so your other purpose is to buy him enough time to rest during fights."

"So what if you know, We have been using this method for as long as we can remember. Even if you knew there still is nothing you can do about it." One of the four sneered.

"Oh really?" The Duke chuckled

"Well, that's just pathetic."


Unwilling to exchange any more words Aden reestablished his battle stance, watching the hulk's less menacing form turn around to face him.

'His weakness is dexterity. Despite all the strength he possesses it can only be converted into explosive power and raw momentum.' Aden thought to himself.

'As long as I don't get a direct hit, I can slowly carve him to size.'

'And as for the so-called bodyguards, I get rid of them first then.'

'The only problem is those two.' He thought glancing sideways at the two bandits who were still circling Iris, toying with her. For some reason, he felt sorry for them instead though.

Turning his attention back to the hulk and his bodyguards a devious smirk spread on his mid-aged face. Staring at the four men standing defensively in the background bloodlust seemed to have saturated the atmosphere.





Iris and Irina were huddled a bit off from the quickly escalating battle.

The princess stood in front of her mother wielding the iron sword Aden gave to her.

Eyeing the two languidly approaching them with derisive and perverted looks in their eyes, she schemed in her heart.

Remembering her father's and instructors lessons she chanted a mantra in her heart.

'The five core Algrian Rules of Engagement:'

'Don't hesitate.'

'Stay sharp.'

'Exercise restraint.'

'Everything IS fair in the game of life and death.'

'Always fight to win.'

''Little girl why don't you just come with big brother here, I promise to ...'' One of the bandits reached out for her, taunting.


'Don't hesitate.'

She struck out but the bandit was quicker. He pulled back dodging the attack.

"Easy there bro, She's a feisty one I tell yah." The other bandit called out derisively.

'Stay sharp.'

Noticing the bandit's left foot slide forward she prepared to lunge.


She stopped.

'Exercise restraint.'

There she noticed it. A feint.

Seeing she didn't take the bait, frustration flashed in the bandit's eyes. Noticing it a ruthless sneer crept to the corner of her mouth.

'Everything IS fair in the game of life and death.'

She lunged when he was least expecting it, slashing at his eyes.

A crimson splash. An inhumane shriek.


Following it with a backswing, The shrieks stop.


With a thrust, her blade sank the man's neck.


He's arms flailing helplessly in slow-motion, she thrust deeper.


With a violent kick from her slender legs, he fell.





Jumping backwards, she blocked a desperate attempt to save the man by the other bandit.

Shocked, the bandit watched as blood quickly gathered underneath his comrade's body.

He looked up to see Iris suppressing the nauseating feeling building up her chest from looking at the gruesome scene.

Suddenly he became enraged.

He wasn't enraged about his comrade's death.

No, he was enraged that she had the guts to be disgusted after doing that to the man.

"You bloody witch!"

Suppressing the bile in her throat, Iris wiped the blood on her face with a forced smirk and said in a hoarse voice.

"Hey, no hard feeling, everything IS fair in the game of life and death."

"Arghh!" Uttering a battle cry he lunged at the princess.




On Aden's side...

The hulk stands with numerous cuts.

Three of the bodyguards stand dripping heavy with their own blood.

One laid dead, in a pool of his own blood, shit and disembowelled body parts.

Aden stood a few meters away, although injured, much less compared to his opponents.

"Is this man even human?" One bandit asked panting heavily.

"He fights like a demon."

Watching Aden stand upright with his blade's tip hanging a few inches above the floor litter, filled his heart with fear. But more disciplined than the previous set he refuses to flee, watching earnestly for an opportunity.

Seeing Aden's arm vibrate slightly and the greatsword dip into the soil he exploded.


Seizing the opportunity he lept forward, slashing at the duke with his twin axes.

But mid-air he noticed something, Aden grip on his weapon tightened and the blade suddenly rose to meet him.

Seeing the blade appear before him, he tried to dodge but that was an impossible feat to accomplish mid-air.

The screams of his partners rang out behind him before the world darkened.





Aden looked at the second dead body skidding to a stop a few meters away from him as he sneered.

"They are getting sloppy."

Turning back to face the remaining three he took a deep breath.

With rage-filled eyes the remaining two threw all caution to the wind, racing towards Aden.



Aden deflected two incoming strikes.

Leaping over the inclined body of one bandit he let his blade swing freely with his body.

The tip clipped the back of the bandits head, carving a sinking groove two inches into his skull.

He landed firmly on his two feet before proceeding to roll away, dodging Vlad's strike.

Leaping to his feet he ran past the hulk, straight towards the remaining bodyguard.



The bandit blocked the first strike, but the second hit home craving its way through its victim's torso.

Killing off the last bodyguard he turned to finish off the 'defenceless' Vlad.

Mid-turn though, in the corner of his eyes, he saw Iris being cornered, pressed heavily by her assailant. She looked like she could not restrain him for much longer.

Aden panicked.

The enemy was fighting with a frenzied attack, seemingly enraged.

Abandoning his fight with Vlad, he dashed.

Dodging a sweep of Vlad's halberd he pressed on, charging towards the oblivious rogue who wanted to hurt the princess.



The attack was so sudden and unexpected that even Iris was surprised, no-one expected that Aden would abandon his fight with Vlad.

Guts were strewn across the floor.

A man with his bowels out in the open lay screaming and making inhumane noises.

Just as he finished off the bandit Aden heard an enraged roar and felt a faint wind blowing to his side.


He quickly raised his claymore with a right hand and deflected an enraged strike from Vlad but his weapon was knocked out of the hand.

He fell with his back to a tree, watching as the hulk brush Iris aside like a fly.


Rolling away he dodged another attack.

Vlad halberd hacked clean through a waist thick tree, felling it.

Reaching out Aden tried to pull himself up, but when he reached the branch he suddenly realised that his right hand wasn't responding properly.

Missing his grip he fell back to the ground, turning just in time to see Vlad's shadow loom over him.

The halberd poised to strike

"I guess I got sloppy as well." He mumbled with a self-derisive smirk.

Closing his eyes he awaited his fate.




...Everything ended.




A few seconds later Aden realised something was terribly wrong.

He was still alive!

Opening his eyes, he was shocked.

With a dull sound, the raised halberd fell on the dirt floor a few inches from his leg as Vlad dropped to his knees.

Then the hulk collapsed, his face featuring a dumbfounded expression up until his death.

"You... Forgot about... Me, you... Blithering... Fool..." Iris uttered hoarsely between fatigued pants as she crawled off Vlad's corpse yanking a blood-drenched blade out of his exposed left armpit.