
Aden's study

The castle,



"72 barrels of oil, 50 walls of wheat, 45 walls of potatoes, 12 walls of table salt..."

Levi leaned into an armchair, his feet propped up in the air against the table's edge. Chewing on walnuts he listened as Robert giving an in-depth report of the resources currently at his disposal.

Initially, he had planned to immediately leave Greenfields with his knights since he had looted the Heras. Very clear of his inability to retain Greenfields and Redwater due to Duke Hera and his knight's impending return from the capital, Levi had no intentions of attempting to vie against the duke for the possession of these assets.

Such a move would have definitely been suicidal. The old Duke left for the capital with around three hundred able-bodied men and given he is lucky enough he should return with about half that number.

Levi wasn't stupid enough to believe that molotovs would work just as effectively against the more experienced duke and his superior army. The crude incendiary throwables weren't standard weapons and their effects were variable and unpredictable, evident from the somewhat 'pyrrhic' victory against Gilbert.

With all the odds seemingly stacked against him, he had already planned his getaway to avoid having to face the wrath of the shrewd old noble when he returns to find his territory burnt to the ground and his family held captive.

But who would expect that the Levi would be enough lucky to intercept a letter from Josh Hera himself to his son, stating clearly that he wouldn't be able to make it back to Redwater until next spring.

It was still fall and spring isn't expected to arrive until around four to five months from now. That basically translates to at least four months of buffer time before judgement arrives.

While a month was apparently too little to make any substantial preparations against the duke's arrival, according to his vague estimates, four months was just slightly enough time for him to prepare and gain his footing.

Tired of being helpless and unable to make a difference in the grand scheme of things, Levi intended to use these resources to develop himself and remain relevant in this new world.

. . . . .

"How long can these last then?" Levi asked the butler who was rambling on listing a bunch of things he probably didn't care to remember even half of.

"Uhm, I don't think these could carry the townspeople through winter, my lord. And the folks of Redwater who have been displaced need new homes to live in or else they would probably freeze to death when winter arrives." The Butler said neatly folding the leather scroll in his hand.

Levi drummed his fingers on the oaken table in thought for a while before responding.

"Can the supplies be purchased from elsewhere?"

"Yes my lord, we can get most of these things from Gena in Quilton. It's a week away by sail so we would be able to get the supplies in on time." Robert replied with a nod.

"Hmm... OK then, I want you to tally the cost of everything the townsfolk would need to tide through winter and take two of the three brigs and personally head down to Gena to purchase the things we need.

And in regards to the displaced townsfolk, I would sort that out by myself. I want you to get Sarah updated with the task of managing the town's affairs while you are away in a day and you should be ready to depart for Quilton in three."Levi Instructed getting up from the chair.

"Yes my lord." The butler replied before starting to leave.


"Yes my lord?"

"Summon me the town's Blacksmiths later this evening, I have a task for them," Levi said after some thought.

Although baffled by Levi's sudden order Robert nodded nonetheless in compliance. Recently the butler seemed more respectful and even changed his way of addressing from 'young master' to 'my lord' for some reason, not that Levi truly cared, as long as it works fine and everyone was happy.

The butler left him to his thoughts.

Levi stood silently with his hands resting on the windowsill, contemplating his most appropriate next course of action when he heard a series of knocks on his door.

Snapping out of his thoughts, he cleared his throat before calling the person in.

"Come in."

The door opened and a plain-looking maid walked in.

'Hmm?' Levi squinted slightly when the girl walked in, recognising her. Probably a year or two younger than himself, he was the same maid that was tasked with the burden of looking after him during the night of his transmigration.

'What is it?' Levi asked nonchalantly resting his backside on the edge of the table.

"My-my lord, Sir Lancelot seeks yo-your presence in the main hall." She said in a shaky timid voice. Although she tried to hide it, a hint of trepidation and terror reflected in her eyes.

'Hmm...' Looking at the fidgeting maid Levi grew suspicious.

Generally, most people were only 'respectful' to the original Levi because of his father's influence. Given Levi's timid personality since his childhood, most people found it hard to take him seriously, sometimes even subconsciously looking down on him due to his lack of assertion.

That being said, it was very surprising to James seeing a hint of fear in her eyes as she spoke.

She acted like she was in the presence of some cruel dictator that would slit her throat if she breathed too loudly. Thinking back, Levi suddenly realised that shortly after his return for surveying Redwater all the servants seemed to have suddenly become more... 'reverent'.

At first, He shrugged it off but seeing her exaggerated reaction he started to get worried. Touching his face, he made sure that those amiable handsome features he inherited when he crossed over were still there.

'Whew..! It's still alright. It would have been horrible if I lost this handsome mug, I mean what would I have to charm lady lucky if I lost Levi's, erm... I mean my face.'

Muttering softly but still baffled by the servant's exaggerated behaviour, he shrugged walking towards the door.

"Did he say why?"

"No-no my Lo-lord." The little maid stammered, subconsciously backpedalled away from Levi.

'Hmm...' He squinted again.


Waving her off, he watched with a smile as she fled.

As if given a pardon from a death sentence, the girl hurriedly made herself scarce.

Walking out of the room Levi made his way down to the main hall see what Sir Lancelot wanted.

Normally it is customary for the duke to come over if he wanted to see Levi about anything, but it seems he had special reasons for requesting Levi to come down to the main hall.

Curious Levi made his way down. Although he could have asked the maid about it he did not. He guessed from the looks of things that if had continued questioning the poor thing she might have ended up collapsing from fright.

And while prompted by his sadistic tendencies to want to watch that happen, probably for the laughs, he didn't think it would be great for his image if maids started falling unconscious in his room, especially since they were alone.

A minute later he arrived in a large hall to see Lancelot standing on the right-hand side of an armchair with fifty-odd knights in front.