Crazy miracle worker

{Lancelot POV}

I sat motionlessly at my table quietly ruminating on the several rather strange incidents that have been occurring over the past few days. Oblivious to the things around me I thought back to how weirdly the young master behaved when he first woke up after the incident regarding Sean.

At that time I was genuinely scared when Levi woke up and stared at both me and miss Sarah as if he found us completely alien and unfamiliar. While the young master only expressed that unfamiliarity with us for a brief moment, a seasoned noble such as myself wouldn't fail to notice such subtle hints, as I immediately became worried that the young master might have lost his memories from when he hit his head during the scuffle.

Thankfully though it seemed my worries where unfounded as the young master didn't seem to have suffered a permanent memory loss as a result of his fall. At that point though I only felt that the young master felt somewhat different from before.

Though I couldn't lay a finger on what exactly about him changed I was certain that he was indeed no longer the same young man he was a few hours before the time. He seemed bolder and more mischievous than normal but also with a strange, mature and assertive aura around him.

At the time though I attributed the change to be a result of all the stress he was under so I didn't think much about it and only assumed the young master would revert to his old self as time went by.

Unfortunately, or fortunately? It seemed I was mistaken again as I could feel that not only was the young master not back reverting to his old self, he appeared to be becoming more, unlike the Levi I had watched grow up.

The incident with the Heras was what made this feeling grow many times more in intensity. Not only did Levi not flee at the thought of confronting someone who possessed a force three-folds his own, but also appeared fearless if not elated to the fact that he was threatened with a death sentence.

At first, I became scared again that the young master had indeed started developing mental issues when I saw the maniacal grin plastered on his face as I explained how dangerously hopeless a confrontation would be, but he quickly assured me that he didn't have some elaborately designed plan to commit suicide at Gilbert's hands. It was then he told me of the crazy plan he had in mind to subdue the Heras.

Initially, I was doubtful of how successful his plan would be and even more about the power of his fabled 'Molotov. It wasn't until he showed me the power those little bottles of destruction contained did I agreed to risk my fellow knight's lives to fight a seemingly hopeless battle.

And to my greater surprise, we had an overwhelming victory and surprisingly managed to conquer Redwater, albeit with a few complications, such as the entire town burning to the ground and nearly half of the populace fleeing.

But Young master Levi didn't fail to surprise me again with his surprising foresight when I discovered he had seemingly spread a rumour about himself among the servants which eventually caught on and got leaked to the townspeople that he was the one responsible for summoning Puhbeer's minions to decimate Redwater.

Although he didn't directly make it known to me, it seems the young lord knew that some of the knights had already planned on leaving so he spread those rumours to invoke fear in the hearts of the townspeople and keep them under control until he could rebuild his forces.

I didn't believe he had such great foresight until Lil Justin told me that he even went as far as having the servants knock in a strange sequence while he made strange poses as if caught in some sacred ritual to strengthen the commoner's belief that he was well connected to the supernatural, hence dangerous.

Now, most of the commoners can't even look him straight in the eye, take less of developing rebellious thoughts even though he severely lacks the manpower to manage a population of this size.

but still, he somehow managed to balance that fear with indebtedness when he provided the displaced townsfolk with his "support program" and new homes, fostering feelings of reverence and gratitude in the hearts of the populace while simultaneously pushing all the blame for the people's dilemma unto Sean and the Heras respectively.

I don't even know what to say anymore regarding where he gets his crazy ideas, although he claimed that the 'cement' was just one of the newest discoveries of Alchemist workshop from the Sanctuary of Scrolls it was clear he just didn't want to tell me since when he had been researching it, or why.

With the cement, the young lord concocted, the reconstruction of the townsfolk homes we expected to take several months to complete even if we diverted the entire workforce of the two towns, is now expected to take just over a few weeks and with just a third of the previously required workforce participating.

So now we can still meet the deadline and not having to worry about bringing the entire town's activities to a standstill in the process, while still simultaneously managing to save a part of the large sum that was previously required for the construction to happen.

If such wonderful creations existed in the Sanctuary of Scrolls the creator would have surely gone crazy from excitement, while trying to promote it to prove his worth to the academic society and get recognized. So if it did originate from there I would have heard about it eventually, and maybe even earlier than Levi would, given the military, economic and political importance this powdery substance presents.

Such foresight!

Such intelligence!

Such political astuteness!

Yet, such humility!

I would have never expected to find this in Lord Aden's little spawn.

Playing the pig to eat the tiger, he had truly hidden his abilities well. If Sean ever knew that Levi was not the hopeless slacker that he presented himself to be, given his most recent crimes against his adoptive father he would have never left Levi alive when he fled.

Nonetheless I still always wonder what does go on in that crazy little head of his and I'm hopeful for the next miracle he is going to create...

. . . . .


"Sir Lanc...

"Sir Lancelot!"


"Uh? Wha... What?" Lancelot snapped out of his reverie, before replying to the speaker, Justin who was standing outside the chamber.

"The young master wants to see you." The young knight replied pertly sounding particularly well-behaved, but Lancelot wasn't buying it.

He knew his playboy/petty thief of a junior would only put up this facade if he found something particularly interesting, otherwise his expression would be slack and devoid of expression throughout all conversations.

While that wasn't a bad thing in itself, to react only to something interesting. The crux of the issue here was that Justin only found weird unusual things interesting otherwise he would just ignore everything even if it was genuinely intriguing.

And when Lancelot remembered how eccentric Levi had been lately he began to worry again.

"Do you know why he wants me to come?" Lancelot asked wearily.

"Oh, it's nothing much...

The young master suddenly decided to train a group of commoners to replace the knights who left and wanted you to come to give some tips on close combat since he apparently doesn't know much about actual fighting." Justin said acting nonchalantly but from his twitching cheeks, it was clear he was cringing from restrained laughter inside.

Lancelot: "..."

You don't know how to fight yet you want to train someone else to be able to do so?
