Chamber of commerce

A fraternity formed by the merchants of Doumveil in Crotha (in present-day Aries) in the year 1020 P.S. is believed to be the first example of a guild in Udoris. These guilds controlled the way that trade was to be conducted and codified rules governing the conditions of trade. Rules established by merchant guilds were often incorporated into the charters granted to market towns.

Shortly after the war, a confederation of merchant guilds, formed out of the Verumitte cities of Serbia and Hadrian, came to dominate trade around the Litchtona Gulf, extending out towards the Buxster sea area. By the next few decades, the merchant guilds had sufficient resources to erect branches in many major market towns across Udoris becoming the Chamber of Commerce known today.

During the end of the century, Udorian businesses became more permanent and were able to maintain sedentary merchants and a system of agents. Merchants specialised in financing, organisation and transport while agents were domiciled overseas and acted on behalf of a principal.

These arrangements first appeared on the route from Serbia to the Mryh, but by the end of the century, merchant colonies could be found from Greystones, Ferum, Neude, Cantoria, Riverville, White river valley and even the capital of Aries, Hatford. Over time these partnerships became more commonplace and led to the development of the large trading company. These developments also triggered the growth of the Sanctuary of Scrolls.

These developments led to what is known by Udorian scholars and monastic men of learning as the birth of capitalism and the commercial revolution.


Excerpt from Jonas Diane second book on Udorian powers- 'Capitalism, the mother of civilization'


Riverville, Verum.

In an elegantly decorated bedroom, princess Alina sat quietly reading a book while a group of maidservants tidied her hair.

Sighing she raised her hand gesturing for the maids to leave.

"All of Leave, Monie stay."

Watching the door close as the last maid walked out Alina turned to face the other person in the room.

"What's on your mind, Monie. Your entire countenance seems off today, talk to me. What's wrong"

Alina said standing up from her seat and walking towards a cord hanging down from her bedside, pulling hard on it.

"Your highness, when can I stop seeing that troublesome prince." The maid complained with a voice full of grievances.

"That man is such a brute! He left several bruises on my back during last night's session and even said some very hurtful things to me."

Raising a brow the princess asked "Again?"


Shaking her head with a weak smile Alina turned around to face the maid and said softly.

"Bear with it for a while, Ok Monie? This is just for a now, everything would change soon enough."

"But..." the maid started but shut her mouth when she saw the princess shaking her head in disapproval.

Alina opened a cabinet, pulling out a letter.

"Remember this?" the princess asked waving it.

"Yes, your highness. It was the letter I stole from the prince's room a fortnight ago."

Nodding Alina said, "This contains proof of the prince's incompetence and his preference towards the Duogile Households."

"If I can get a few more pieces of evidence like this proving the prince's inability to rule and his disposition towards the Duogiles, I might be able to convince the other families to support my ascent to the throne." Saying this an ambitious light gleamed in Alina's eyes.

Turning back to the maid she spoke softly. "I need your help, Monie. There's no one else I can trust with this aside from you. So please bear with me for a short while more."

As if hesitating, the maid had a look of struggle on her face before sighing. "Anything for you, princess."

"Thank you, I won't forget this," Alina said taking Monie's hands into her with a warm smile

The pair spoke for a while longer before the maidservant left to complete her other tasks.

Watching the door shut close Alina's warm expression disappeared replaced by a cold indifferent one.

"You want to stop seeing the prince? Like hell, I'll believe that."

With a scoff, she muttered to herself. Looking at the 'stolen' letter containing 'evidence', Alina scoffed again tossing back into her drawer.

Laying on her large mattress, arms spread out she glanced at a small painting of a woman on her dressing table.

In thought, she thought back to those innocent times when her relationships were much simpler without the schemes and deceit.

Alina had long been aware that Monie was a spy planted by her side by someone to monitor her. Although she didn't know then who the person was, it didn't matter because either way, this was solid proof that someone wanted a tight leash on her.

Aware of this fact, Alina surprisingly didn't expose the maid or request she was replaced. She was also aware of how pointless that would have been. Instead, she drew Monie closer, 'confided' in her and even tasked her with a very important task- seducing her brother, Prince Brandon to steal information.

At first, she had honestly not expected much because even though the maid was a beauty in her own right there was nothing truly special about her. In the castle, numerous beautiful maids were serving so it would have been very hard for her to stand out.

But surprisingly Monie succeeded in getting herself bedded by the prince. Thinking further Alina realised things might not be as simple as they seemed.

It was just too easy. From seducing the prince to stealing important documents without him noticing, Alina felt that even if her brother was stupid he wouldn't be up to the point where things like this would happen without consequence.

Well, that was unless Brandon was the one who planted the maid by her side from the start and didn't mind giving her a few letters to keep her occupied. At that thought, Alina grew cautious of her brother even more, not that she underestimated him much from the start anyways.

Remembering how easily Monie lied and acted in front of her Alina shook her head in pity.

"That maid Monie is so gullible and greedy, such a good pawn. Sadly though she's not destined to live long, knowing too much and having such grand ambitions is never good if you can't even defend yourself."

Without feeling much pity, Alina laid quietly on her bed.

*Knock* *Knock*

"You may enter."

"Your lunch, your highness."

Glancing at the maidservant bringing in the meal Alina raised a brow.

"Shells?" She asked.

"Fresh from the salty sea, your highness." the maid replied expressionlessly.

Glancing at the bowl of chicken broth she smiled softly.

"You may leave."

"Yes, your highness."

Standing up from the bed she walked towards the food tray.

Raising the bowl she saw a neatly folded slip of paper and picked it up.

'The items are available on request but I need to see more of your sincerity, princess.' It read.

"Greedy pirates..." Sighing wearily, she whispered but soon a smile returned to her face.

Setting the slip of paper ablaze she tossed it onto the tray to burn before taking out a fresh slip and started writing out a list of names from memory.

After she finished writing she had her meal and placed the neatly folded list underneath the empty bowl before pulling the cord in the corner to summon the maid from earlier.

Picking up the painting on her table, she caressed it, whispering.

"Just a while longer mother, It would all be over soon."