Even I am confused

Redwater Harbour.

Five days later.


Lancelot stood by the docks watching the militiamen perform battle drills in anticipation of Duke Hera's arrival.

He watched as the men diligently performed their tasks, executing every order without fail.

Just a few weeks ago these men were nothing more than lowly peasants barely worthy to be used as cannon fodder on the battlefield but under the young master's guidance they were slowly moulded into more valuable individuals.

Despite having experienced this emotion countless times the viscount couldn't help be still be in awe of the young master's method.

Looking towards the militiamen in their brown coats trudging through ankle-deep snow he smiled remembering the odd light that always appears in Levi's eyes whenever he comes up with a new idea.

"What are you thinking about old man?"

Stunned, Lancelot turned around to face Levi who had somehow appeared in Redwater despite the poor weather.

"Oh, young master you are here?"

"Yes, I just arrived," Levi spoke patting away fallen snow from Lancelot's left shoulder.

"What for, young master? The weather isn't very accommodating, I don't think it is wise for you to travel during this time. Please do consider your health."

"You worry too much old man, It's just a drizzle. Besides look the men I came to see are all still training despite this weather so why can't I visit them?" Levi said gesturing towards the training militiamen.

"You came to see them?" Lancelot asked.

"Yes, all of you in fact," Levi replied patting Lancelot back.

Walking towards the men he spoke in a loud voice.


Everyone paused.

'Hey, isn't that the young Lord?'

'Yes, I think it is.'

'What is he doing here?'

'I don't know.'

The men spoke among each other.

Sir Carter who was instructing the men on the new battle drill Levi structured walked up with a baffled smile.

"Young master isn't it a wonderful surprise. What are you doing all the way out here on such a snowy day?"

"I came to check on my valiant, hardworking men. I realised you must still be training despite the bad weather so I felt I just had to come over to say hi." Levi replied with a smile.

"Oh, you shouldn't have," Carter said but Lancelot could see the delight in his eyes. The older knight was obviously very pleased.

"Also, I didn't come empty-handed. Bring it forward!" Turning to speak to the servants behind, Levi ordered.

The four servants standing at the back offloaded three barrels from a carriage, carrying them to the front.

The men curiously gathered round.

"Stand in formation!" Sir Carter ordered noticing them crowding the items.

The men quickly assembled into a three-row formation

"These are for you guys," Levi said gesturing towards barrels.

'What is in it?'

'I don't know.'

'What then do you know, fool.'

'Then stop asking me, Stupid.'

Sir Carter walked forward and lifted the lid of the barrel. A strong sweet somewhat tangy scent wafted out engulfing the men.


Sir Carter who was the one standing closest to the barrel gulped out loud.

"Yo-young master, is this all spirit liquor?" He asked his expression one of shock.

"Yes. That Gilbert boy finally decided to open up about where his father keeps his secret stash and we found these there." Levi replied with a smile. "These are all for you guys, the men can take a break to enjoy these."

"R-really?" Sir Carter asked glancing at his fellow knights. While the peasants were clueless to what was in the barrels the minor nobles have an inkling of the value placed in front of them.

Lancelot noticed Levi observing their expressions with a keen eye, probably mentally nothing down somethings which he couldn't notice.

"Rejoice men! The young master brought some high-quality booze for us. Gather round, training ends for today, hahaha!" Sir Carter announced with a peal of boisterous laughter.

The militiamen also rejoiced. although they didn't know what kind of booze it was to get their superior this hyped, the prospect of not training today especially through this hellishly cold weather made them elated.

'The young master is so considerate.'

'Yes, I think so too. He came all the way from home just to bring us booze, he must really care about us.'

'I was wrong! The young master does have a heart!'

'Hehehe! Finally some booze, I hadn't had a drink in weeks!'

Praises and words of admiration could be heard everywhere amongst the men. Quickly the men shared up all the alcohol.


"What is wrong?" Levi asked returning to Lancelot's side. The Viscount had a hesitant look on his face. "Is it about that previous incident?"

"I am sorry, Levi." He sighed.

"What for? There is nothing wrong with you being more loyal to my father than you are to me. It's proof of your sincerity in fact." Levi replied taking a modest swing of the liquor in his hand.

"To be honest, Although I was a bit pissed at first I realised it didn't matter much either way. Frankly, if you had not changed sides so quickly upon seeing my father you would probably be dead or rendered inutile at least" Levi said glancing towards the viscount.

Patting Lancelot he joked. "Besides, I won't tolerate anyone who I can't predict hence control, even if you are Javi's father."

"Hehe, I know." Lancelot chuckled softly. His expression easing up before he frowned again.

"Young master, Gilbert never mentioned anything about a secret stash so where did you get so much liquor?"

"Of course he didn't. It was the excess from the ones I made. Pure liquor is meant to be odourless but I have been having problems properly distilling the scent from the alcohol."

"The ones you made?" Lancelot asked in shock.

"Hmmm." Levi nodded.

The Viscount fell silent for a moment but was quick to accept this truth. He had long got used to Levi's methods of doing things and could no longer be surprised.

But then again he grew worried.

"Don't you think you should keep this a secret, young master?" He asked.

"You worry too much, I got this covered. Besides, many of these men probably won't live to see next winter. It's best to treat them well now because we wouldn't be able to in the future, just to keep our conscience clear." Levi said glancing at the militiamen still boisterously laughing amongst themselves, his eyes held an uncharacteristic hint of pity.

"Death is painful but a requirement. Lancelot said glancing towards Levi.

"It is." Levi agreed.

"It is the most beautiful thing inexistent." He muttered looking towards the darken skies.

'But what is death? I have died twice but here I am still walking amongst the living.'

Deep within his mind, he heard a soft voice mutter.

' Don't ask me. even I am confused, James.'