The greatest father.

A day later

Windy Fir woodlands

Sean trudged down the mouth of a dark cavern.

Although it was much warmer than the forest outside, Sean felt no warmth or comfort.

His captor led him deeper into the underground structure pulling him by a leash deeper into the cave.

Soon Sean saw a vague figure hidden in the shadows. It was another bandit.

The bandit turned to inspect the newcomers like a guard of some sort. After confirming their identities he greeted them warmly and let them pass through, completely ignoring Sean who was been towed behind.

Soon the former young master saw another figure underneath a lit torch and another one in a chamber he passed fondling a young girl in the dark crevices of the room.

As the young master walked down he was quick to confirm that this was the hideout the bandits had been talking about.

The air in the tunnels was damp and musky, sometimes even carrying a retch inducing draft.

Although there were signs of the conscious effort to keep the place clean, blood and other unpalatable fluids occasionally stained the place, marring whatever efforts were made.

It was obvious from the screams of despair and occasional moans echoing from the depths that this hell had possibly witnessed every form of debauchery known to man.

But despite this, Sean's face remained impassive.

He had missed his chance to escape that night. An unfortunate hare ran into the camp under the pursuit of a brown wolf startling the bandits awake and ruining Sean's chance to escape.

But still, he sought a way to out, scanning the tunnels discreetly for an escape route. Unfortunately, though there were none.

The bandits led him deeper until they reach the entrance to a large chamber. In front stood two burly men who appeared too well dressed to be bandits.

"What do you seek here?" One asked in a bored voice. Surprisingly he spoke fluently which was unusual for outlaws and peasants, behaving more like knights than the bandits he was.

"Pardon sirs, we seek an audience with the Lord." The leader said attempting poorly to match his fluency while simultaneously using a flattering tone.

"The Lord is absent, you may leave."


"The young master and his guards were murder a while ago by suspected a knight and escorting two noblewomen. The lord ordered the killers be found but he wasn't satisfied with the results hence he decided to sort it out himself." One of the more patient guards spoke.

"Is the news you bring more important than this? If not you may leave." the other added.

The leader of Sean's captors had a conflicted and shocked look on his face unsure of how to reply.

Looking at his men who were giving him an encouraging gaze and remembering the possible rewards he could get for his task he gritted his teeth and replied.

"Sirs, I am not if this is more important but we caught a von Greifenberg and sought to turn him in."

"Huh?" The guard's brow rose in surprise.

" A von Greifenberg?" The leader asked with a frown. He finally noticed Sean who was hidden behind the larger men.

Frowning the Leader asked.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes!" The captor's leader replied.

"Are you truly a von Greifenberg?" The other guard asked impulsively.

"Sirs, I don't think he would-" The captor's leader started speaking but was interrupted by Sean.

"Yes," Sean replied.

"Huh?" All the bandits were shocked.

"Yes?" The leader of the guards asked.

"Of course, I am the first son of Aden von Greifenberg and his chosen successor. My father would reward you greatly if you let me go." Sean said in a very sincere sounding voice.

The Leader looked at Sean with a sightly pitying gaze.

'These rogues must have broken him for him to behave so foolishly. I remember hearing that he was a genius knight, what a waste.' The head guard thought to himself.

"Since that's the case, lock him up in the cell and make sure he stays alive. I am sure the Lord would want to see him when he returns, so don't break him any more than you already have. When the Lord returns he would reward you." The head guard replied.

"Yes, Sir." Sean's captors replied excitedly.

"Wait! Please! I really am a von Greifenberg! If you let me go you would be rewarded greatly!"

Struggling lightly Seam allowed the bandits to pull him away towards the dungeons.

Watching the prison door close behind him, a light flashed in Sean's eyes.

'A knight escorting two noblewomen you say?' He thought remembering Aden.

'I am not sure if you are the one, but thank you father for giving me this way out again.'

'You truly are the greatest father, I will ever have.'

Thinking this way a faint smile formed at the corner of his lips.

In the dim underground base, that smile looked a touch sinister.