Desire for vengeance

In a deep underground cavern.

Somewhere north of Windy Fir forest.

Reamus bit delicately into a greasy-looking turkey drumstick, the faint sound of his smacking lips rebounded on the walls of his quiet chamber.

On a delicate porcelain plate in front of him were numerous bones evidence of earlier conquests.

Content with his meal he placed down the properly cleaned bone and wiped his lips elegantly with a silk handkerchief. If not for his portly looks and the small mound of bones in front of him one could have easily mistaken him to be of gentlemanly demeanour.

With a wave of his hand, a servant walked up and cleared the plates away.

He glanced at the skinny man in front of him and frowned.

"So you are the one who claims to be a von Greifenberg?" The criminal lord asked expressionlessly.

Sean who knelt down in front of him finally looked up. Staring into Reamus's tiny eyes he chuckled, his hoarse voice adding a sinister edge to his pitch.

"Oh, you are done already? I thought you still wanted to act pretentiously in front of me."


"Since that's the case I guess we can now have a proper discussion."

The guards around turned to face each other before shaking their heads mockingly.

Reamus glanced at the sputum splattered on the floor of his room and frowned.

He hated dirt.

"I honestly didn't want to have them do this here." Reamus sighed.

With his gaze fixed on Sean, he nodded.

"Do it."

The bandit surrounded an expressionless Sean and lifted him from the ground to a standing position.


Sean's fragile frame was lifted a few inches into the air by a sudden force. A moment later the pain registered in his mind, and he realized he received a punch in the guts.


More sputum and blood splashed out his mouth when the second punch connect. His gaze blurred momentarily and the feeling that his brain might have been slightly dislodged assaulted him.




The beating continued for a minute but apart from a few grunts of pain, Sean didn't make a sound. Blood mixed with sputum was splattered all over the once pristine floor and his innards hurt like hell.

Feeling the inside of his mouth with his tongue, he faintly felt that one of his molars was slightly dislodged.

"Stop," Reamus said wiping a drop of blood that sprayed unto the table with his handkerchief.

Gazing at Sean's bruised face he spoke.

"Now we can talk."

"Hehe." Sean chuckled hoarsely.

"Who are you?"


"I said, who are you?" Reamus asked again but Sean just ignored him.

"Didn't you hear our lord ask you something?" One of the bandits growled reaching out for Sean again.

"Stand down, Lore."

"Who are you?" Reamus asked again.

Sean looked up struggling to open one of his bruised eyes.

"I am s-sure you are wondering right now why on earth a von Greifenberg would be so far south and in such desperate straits."

"Hmm. Yes, in actual fact I am." Reamus nodded expressionlessly, his eagle-like gaze fixed on Sean's face.

"Hehe, don't think too much." Sean chuckled hoarsely. "I betrayed the von Greifenbergs and had to flee. Unfortunately, a trusted aide of mine turned in me and so I fled and was later captured by your men."

"Really?" Reamus asked plainly.

"Yes." Sean nodded. "I don't know what issues you have with that old geezer, Aden neither am I begging you to let me go on the grounds that I betrayed him."

"I am no fool, hence rather than pathetically beg for my life I want to propose a deal."

"A deal? What could a fallen thing like you probably have that could interest me?" Reamus asked his smile morphing into an indifferent sneer.

"Information," Sean muttered.

Reamus's eyes narrowed into small slits.

"Like what?"

"Like where Aden and possibly the princess and queen of Algrim are currently hiding."

"Hmm." Reamus thought to himself "And what do you want in return?"

"My life and a future." Sean said, "Although I might not know much about banditry or how to be an outlaw I am still a noble breed by some of the brightest minds in Udoris."

"I am sure in that given your presumably noble status you should be able to put me to proper use."

Reamus squinted and shut his eyes in thought for a few seconds before replying.


"Heh, glad we could come to an understanding."

"Wiping his stained lip with the sleeve of his shirt Sean spoke again.

"When your men were smuggling me aboard a ship at the harbour of Redwater I sighted the Duke. He was disguised as a merchant traveller and was accompanied by a woman of unknown origins."

"Although I didn't spot the queen and princess I presume that they began travelling separately at some point and should eventually arrive at the same location. That could be anywhere outside Algrim though but since they passed through the town we should have a lead as to where they may be."

"Why not Greenfields?" Reamus asked again his expression unchanging.

"Greenfields might no longer be a viable option for them. Before I left the town I made a deal with Marquess Gilbert of Redwater to facilitate his takeover of the fief in exchange for free passage out of the town."

"Really?" Reamus asked with a smile.


"It seems your little partner failed terribly at his little takeover." Reamus chuckled.


"Gilbert Hera lost to Levi von XXXX, who I presume should have been your younger brother. Redwater was burnt to the ground and its population annexed." The criminal lord shrugged "Although the information is hard to come by I received news from some of my subordinates returning from the region that the Hera's lost to your little brother."

"Levi?" Sean asked shocked. The image of a naive, beautiful-looking boy flashed past his mind and he failed to merge it with the individual mentioned.

"But when Duke Hera returns wouldn't-"

"Josh returned but somehow that Levi managed to get the townsfolk to ambush him along with his knights with cannons at the docks. Josh's ship was sunk before they could even get close enough to have a proper fight."

"This-" Sean was stunned. But he soon got over his surprise.

"At least now we know where they might be hiding. This makes everything so much easier." Reamus noticed a ruthless light flash in the young man's eyes.

"So when are you going to send the news to the capital so the Herteleans can put them down?"

"I am not," Reamus said watching as servants walked in to clean the stained floor.

"Huh? But I heard your men mention once amongst themselves that anyone who could provide a solid lead to the princess would be granted a noble title of equivalent status to a Duke."

"After that then what?" Reamus remarked glancing at Sean.

"I don't need someone to grant me title when I can take it myself."

"You mean…"

"Yes, we can discuss handling the princess over for extra rewards. But definitely not without capturing Greenfields first."

Sean stared at Lord Reamus for a moment a strange light flashing in his eyes.

Although right now he would have just preferred reporting this to the capital to be on the safe side, thinking about their options objectively Reamus's plan appeared to be the one with the most benefits.

Though he had a bad feeling about the plan he had no concrete way of dissuading the bandit king.

With a sighed he nodded.

"Ok, as you wish…"

"Refer to me as Lord Reamus."

"As you wish, Lord Reamus."

Sean thought for a moment before adding.

"I am not sure how accurate this is but I suspect Aden might have been the one behind your nephew's death-"

"I also have my own thoughts." Reamus interrupted.

"That is nothing for you to be worried about."

"Please wait."


"You already knew about everything?"

"Of course. If I could not unearth such little information what use is this empire I spent my life building?"


"I was just checking if you could be of any use. Recently, I realised I have been heavily understaffed in some areas, hence you are still alive now."

Reamus watched as his guards led Sean away with a plain expression.

His eyes squinted slightly, fervent ambition and the desire for vengeance flashing within.