Demon God Of The Dead, Astark!


When the blue fire in the armored skeleton's eyes bloomed, a blue ripple spread out.

"This is..."

The armored skeleton muttered.

Then, a familiar aura spread out.

In the next moment, its eyes looked at the young man in front of it, who was somewhat stunned.

After the soul fire trembled slightly, it also understood.

"It was you... who broke the seal of the eternal magic disc...

"No wonder. You have the power of Zeus. It's easy for you to break the seal."

Looking at the armored skeleton in front of him muttering to himself, after being slightly stunned, Stark finally broke out of his reverie. He took the lead to speak to the armored skeleton, "Senior, you are..."

A voice sounded beside his ear.

The armored skeleton immediately regained his senses and continued speaking.