I Accept Your Request

The moment he saw the girl, without any hesitation, Stark instantly summoned the Sword of God and walked towards the figure surrounded by several men.

At this moment, it seemed like he finally had a chance to obtain the gold treasure chest.

These men revealed excited expressions.

In fact, what Stark didn't know was that this group was the famous Transcendent bandits in this neighborhood—the Fire Wolf Bandit Gang!

They usually didn't rely on killing Transcendent creatures for a living. Instead, they relied on snatching those Transcendents who passed by.

After all, a Transcendent was definitely worth more than those Transcendent beasts. Precisely because of this, the Fire Wolf Bandit Gang's several bandit Transcendents rose up very quickly.

In just a few days, their members had expanded to seven or eight people.

At this time, they had occupied the entire block. Their original plan was to open all the magic treasure chests within the block.