Who Would Dare to Kill Her Today?

The people in the stronghold were immediately attracted by the sudden appearance of the trio.

These three people were just like Lucas, emitting a faint aura of a powerhouse.

Immediately, those who knew the inside story exclaimed.

"Damn, the other three founders also came out?"

"I didn't expect that the matter of Lucas's brother would alarm so many people!"

"Engel, who is ranked 62nd, Gungart, ranked 65th, and Yvette, who is ranked about the same as Lucas! Such a gathering was probably when our stronghold was created!"

"Hehe, do you think Yvette will help Daphne? After all, her teammate is Daphne's father! Moreover, they are both great beauties!"

"I doubt it. After all, the one who died was Lucas's younger brother!"

With the appearance of these three figures, the discussions of the crowd once again became boisterous.

At the end of the stone platform.