Block With a Single Punch. Who Is This Kid?!


After a series of loud bangs on the field, a muffled groan sounded.

A ton of water flew out of Lunad's body.

The figure that flew out even left a huge gully on the cement ground.

"Heh, you can't even break through my defense. How can you challenge our captain? What a joke!"

Tru was still standing in the same spot, his face full of pride.

"Wow, this is the strength of a strong person!"

"This is the first time I've seen a level 40 person fight. He is indeed powerful!"

"Level 40 is not powerful. He has a high-level class!"

"Exactly! These people have all completed some difficult missions or opened high-level treasure chests to obtain them!"

"Ordinary people probably haven't even seen treasure chests of this level!"

"Then, doesn't that mean that Lucas is stronger? His class on the leaderboard is B class!"

"Sigh, it's such a pity for Daphne's father."

In the crowd, the discussions were endless.