The Plan Had Succeeded. The Guild Was About To Fight!

Creen City, in the Flame Wolf Guild.

"Is the news you said true?" Guild leader Flame Wolf asked with a serious expression.

"That's right. This is the news that Helena personally sent," a man replied.

"Helena, although this woman is a little powerful, she definitely won't speak empty words. The demonic flower that can make even a giant beast go crazy seems to be a rare treasure!"

A thoughtful look flashed across President Flame Wolf's eyes. Then, it was replaced by a resolute look.

"Bring all of our brothers with you! Since it's a treasure, we must seize it before the beasts!"

At the same time, on the side of the Battle Emperor Guild.

"Is the news true?" The president of the Battle Emperor Guild asked with a frown.

"It's absolutely reliable. They've seen with their own eyes the monsters that were pulled away. All of them have risked their lives to snatch that red fruit."