The Mission Issued by the System!

"We all still met on this rock!

"His IQ is really terrifying!"

Edward said while sitting on the ground, panting.

He turned to look at Charles and said, "We can't escape at all. What should we do?"

Stark, who was standing at the side, did not speak and just quietly looked at the trio.

"System! Check the progress of the mission!"

[Kill Jack and his gang and retrieve the item that belongs to the host, current progress: 2/5]

Stark summoned his Sword of Zeus and walked towards them.

Hearing the sound of footsteps approaching them, the three immediately stood up in fear.

They turned around and looked at Stark, their eyes filled with fear.

Their bodies trembled as they said, "You! Don't come over!"

They watched as Stark gradually walked in.

Just as Stark stepped closer, they suddenly smelled the smell of urine.

They turned around and looked at Uri, who was peeing in his pants.