Chapter 3: A Song of Heart

Half an hour ago...


I intensely stared at the Domaine Romanée-Conti wine almost drooling. The bright color of red dancing in the glass when tilt was seducing me to drink it. It hurts to see some savoring its flavor and scenting its addicting aroma. Damn. I want some, I'm so curious about the taste and the scent. Moreover, it's free... FREE!


For a person like me who struggled to gain money, and wish each day to be a payday, the word 'FREE' is bliss, and the sale of 50% off is already 'God's Blessing'. Sadly, I must obstinate in alcoholic beverages. The thing is, the memory of me dying is still fresh to me. The darkness that consumes me still puts me in shivers. Plus, I don't know if this body can hold his drink and this place is not safe.


"Let's just drink water... Yeah, water..." I mumbled so dishearteningly.


The main event doesn't yet started as the main characters of this evening still doesn't show up yet. However, the honored guests are in their zenith of socializing. Some taking the opportunity to promote or connect to their target sponsors. This is simply a world of business.


According to the 'Alphas Love Affair' when the Blake Family was introduced, particularly Lixue's parents: Madam Seinzy Hyll Blake and Sir Lewis Blake immediately noticed the unusual pink hair and red eyes of Lahn among the crowd and approached him instinctively.


If that's the case it's better to leave this place before they notice. Although I'm in disguise I have this awful feeling that things will go south. I soon texted Eirwin that I want to visit the Vienn Garden to have fresh air. It's not been a second when I received his shortest reply,




Why do I felt like he was ordering me? I was about to complain typing in CAPSLOCK when my smartphone vibrates again.


"Wait for me."


Ooh… Huh? The original Lahn might follow what his big bro says and stay here like a silent statue as he was a good kid and shy, but not me. In a matter of minutes then my life will be in danger.


Even if I will be out of character I don't care. I intensely stared at Eirwin's back drilling a hole on it who was obviously bored while standing with his band group in front of their sponsors, has noticed my blazing signals telling I desperately want to leave. He stared back at me with his pitiful puppy eyes, saying,


Just a few minutes, please.


I slightly smiled at him and… glared. No, I'm out. Text me back if the party ends, I sent. And so, I speedily leave the hall.


If I could, I will go back home this instant but I had promised Eirwin not to. More so, I have no idea where on earth is the location of my house nor this place. It never mentions on the manhwa. Poor me.


I strolled around where my feet lead me to nowhere, not admitting I lost. Where the h##k am I? I swear silently. I plan to go to the Vienn Garden famous for its magnificent fountain and enticing flowers. But instead, I entered a maze-garden without knowing.


I was about to give up and plan to just stay there when suddenly I heard a song,


This voice, the saddest tone I always hear, a melody filled with heartache and longing, a song full of his regrets and feelings…


"Why are you here?"


My heart starts to beat rapidly, I pant as I run towards the voice so familiar to me yet unknown. He was so near but somehow I see no one. My mind was mess, full of questions without answers,


Are you also transmigrated here?




Am I not alone?...

Who are you?...


When I went out of the maze, his voice singing was also gone. As if he knows I was trapped and guides me here. The owner of that voice is still a mystery. Who exactly are you?


I went back to my senses when I saw the ground full of dazzling white flowers. Like tiny stars littered around. Its petals was in bioluminescent, illuminating a gentle light. It's so beautiful and fascinating. It feels so unreal.


 I really did enter the manhwa.


This flower was Lahn's favorite as it holds the memory of his mom. I wonder why it was here? Who planted it?


Thinking of it, Alpha's Love Affair was still on going. I didn't know how the tragic story end. After Lahn's death what happened to Lixue? Did he really end up with his woman?


My heart suddenly felt a terrible pain. What's this? It wasn't my real feelings. Was Lahn crying?


I patted my chest and inhaled fresh air to calm down. I started to walk away from the field of flowers that might be the reason it triggers this pain. But the pain didn't go away. I tried to lean on the tree when I suddenly felt tired.


Why I'm so exhausted? Why I feel so hot? What's this? It's hard to catch my breath. Do I have a fever? No way, I never experienced having one.


I'm so focus on my situation that I didn't noticed a group of young man surrounding me.


"What's this man doing here?"

"Is he lost?"


When I inclined my head to check for these uncaring youngsters. I flinched as I saw familiar faces. Two people were studying me while the other two were sitting on the gazebo. S##t, I'm in the den of Dominant Alphas.


These four are the young masters and heirs of the 4 Big Companies in this continent. Namely, Jake Lavingston, Kyth Francis Ainsworth, Harry Reid Lumberton, and Alexis Steinmetz.


"This scent… A smell of sweetness."


They started to surround me like hyenas about to devour me. Am I tailed with misfortune? These four are the perverted bastards in the story. Lahn was kidnapped several times because of them and nearly assaulted. If Eirwin didn't come to save him he will be rape. To tell you, Lixue has no idea about this. He was so ignorant about the welfare of his omega.


Remembering this makes my blood boil. Why are you so weak Lahn? When I read that part I want to beat them up! No one should hurt my adorable Lahn!


"Are you perhaps Omega?" Jake asked.


I felt a horrendous chill hearing those words, to the point I felt alive and laugh so maniacally. "Ha. Haha. Hahaha!" Now that they are here kicking and alive… I feel so excited, so excited --- to Kick their Ass! This is Exhilarating!


Did I mention I'm a delinquent before? No? Then now you know.


They looked at me in perplexity. Jake was about to grab me when I stop his hand and kicked his dragon balls. Lahn has a frail body so I need to play dirty. Jake cursed in pain while holding his crushed jewels. I know it hurts like hell.


Kyth tries to avenge his friend by wanting to hit my face but I was so agile and avoided it, followed by my crisp punch ruining his soft lips. It burst. Geez, I want to see a nosebleed but this arm is so short. I saw how his thick brows frown in angers while wiping his lips.


The two in the gazebo stunned watching us. I smirk and glare at them while gesturing to come at me.


"Your rage vs mine. I wonder who will win." I moved my fingers slicing my neck indicating they're Dead while winking.


They're clearly furious at what I did. Losing their composure is my goal so I can easily read their movements. Howbeit, we all flinch and cease to move, feeling the ghastly aura intent on us.


When I turned around to looked at the source I instantly turned pale. I clearly felt how my blood drain off my body. His cold gaze met mine. His mere presence could freeze the entire summer. His smooth unblemished skin with no trace of pimples and pores, pair of deep blue eyes, glossy black hair that no dust could attach, a perfectly formed eyebrows, a high nose, sensuous lips, strong jawline, and sculpted neck, with a stunning form and height of 190 cm. Every angle and everything about him is perfection. His an epitome of beauty. The man standing in front of me is no other than-- Lixue Blake. The strongest Alpha among the alphas.


We exchange stares for who knows how long. As if I was enchanted I can't move away from his gaze. I start to hear my heartbeats pounding loudly. What is this feeling? It is as if the real Lahn was alive inside me to react like this. I feel like my heart is about to burst. No! I scream inside.


A touch of a warm hand snaps me on my thoughts. My eyes widened when this cold person caress my face so gently and asked in such a concerning voice, "Why are you crying?"


I cry? I asked myself too. Feeling the tears dripping down my face I realized I truly did. But it also puzzled me why Lixue eyes were so sad. He should look at me with disgust. I tried to push him away, however, I appeared to lost my strength, I felt dizzy and hot, and my vision began to blur.


These symptoms… why do I only remember this. Why now? S##t Marley, I'm in heat.