Chapter 8: The Gem He Owned

<*Chop, chop, chop

Slice the hard, dark, fresh, and elongated three pieces of eggplant, followed by ten pieces of a greeny, lady's fingers, and a bitter gourd for its bitterness. Wait for the first ingredients to simmer for 10 minutes. Finally, add them to a boiling pot in intervals, and stir gently using the mighty ladle. Then sprinkle the seasonings, and voila! Let's chant,

"Lixue will sleep after eating this... just sleep... hmmm... bwahahahah!"

"What are you doing?"

I was startled by a sudden voice, making me abruptly drop the act and freeze on where I stood. I was so immersed in my sorcery that I didn't notice my sole target's approach. I was a failure as a witch wannabe.

Just kidding.

"Can't you see I'm cooking?" I answered back with my single brow rising. But when I turned around to face him, I stunned.

Lixue's stunning face formed a soft smile, with noble eyes looking at me so dearly.

"Are you cooking pinakbet? I always want to try your specialty."

I only stood there in silence while watching him step closer. Flabbergasted, I blinked many times. His dark hair, like the night sky, was dripping some droplets of water running down to his sculptured neck, to the bridge of his collarbone, and towards his chest and abdominal muscles. I gulped; that made me thirsty.

Lixue we're extraordinarily sexy in a silver robe after a shower.

One of the reasons he has lots of fans on earth, even though his personality is kinda s***t. And looking at it nearby, as a man, I can't help but drool in envy.

"Ahm, I allow you to stare much longer, but I'm afraid, you might drill a hole."

I frowned, my slight admiration for him ultimately drop. This person clearly flexing his perfect body. I admit it was beautiful, he worked hard for it. Looking into mine... I helplessly sigh, the Hercules body that I naturally obtain before is now hard to achieve with Lahn's skinny body.

"Hey, can you stop staring at me too? Shoo, shoo." I wave my hand indicating he needs to leave for a reason that his burning gaze is making me uncomfortable.

"I only want to engraved your image wearing a pink frilly apron into my brain. As always Lahn is so adorable."

Lixue's weird statement made my scalp tingle again. This girly thing was the only apron available in Lahn's house. It was even a freebie when he bought his new set of cooking utensils, and we're both too afraid to spend money on useless things.

"Hey, you shameless b#stard who forces himself to went into my house. I already offered you a shower and dinner you so don't SAY and DO anything weird which lead me to kick you outside the house. Understand, YOU who didn't introduce yourself?!" I exclaimed while pointing the ladle into him.

Lixue accepted my condition with a smile, yet he gently grabbed my hand and unexpectedly...

Kiss it, staring straight into my eyes while sweetly saying, "The name is Lixue Blake. A lucky man fated with Lahn, my only omega..."

His soft lips touching the back of my hand are so warm and tender. Each word he said is full of sincerity. The simple word that Lahn always wanted to hear from him, and could easily make his heart fluttered.

But I was not him.

My heart and mind will never be in sync.

In reflex, I retracted my hand and averted my gaze. "D... did I say... n... not to do weird things?!!!"

I can't even help but be stuttered in... rage.

At that same moment, my mighty fist was already in the air aiming at his beautiful face but he simply stops it with his palm and chuckled. Throughout my life, no one did that sort of thing to me, and I was not happy.

I simply do not allow it if not with my family.

"Alright, I stop. Lahn being Lahn is still adorable." He stepped back surrendering but he can't stop smiling while looking at my furious face.

"Argh," I give up trying to hit his face because of his defense. "Put some clothes already and dry your hair properly."

"Yeah..." he rubbed my head roughly while laughing. He looks like he was enjoying this. His face was even brighter than before, which I never saw even once when I read 'The Alpha's Love Affair.'

When the hot water touches my skin, rinsing my body through showering, the tolerable temperature made my mind clear once more. Wiping the blurred mirror caused by the steam, I saw Lahn looking at me so intensely. His features bring an overwhelming mixed of cuteness and beauty, yet he always hides it in the eyes of many.

"Lahn, I meet your alpha again, and he wants to stay over in your house. Will you allow it? Ah, of course, you will, 'cause you love him. But during your time he never went here even once did he?"

Thinking of it, in the manhwa, Lixue never shows any affection towards Lahn, not even in a single chapter, not even on the day of their wedding. Lahn was the only one who was head over heels on him.

But, what makes Lixue change his demeanor?

He was acting ultimately -- weird.

Nevertheless, I still need to stay away from him. Following the plot of the story, all sorts of dangerous events will surely come afterward which was all connected to him. Lixue's world and ours are greatly different.

"I'm sorry Lahn, but I won't allow Lixue in our life. Even if, your body needs him."

Touching the birthmark on my neck, the silver crescent moon that slowly becomes darker and apparent every time I meet Lixue, I continued,

"I will not lose in omega's heat. I will conquer it with my will! Even your feelings with him. Lahn, I will surely survive this world."

My heart throbs again, every time I will think of this. But my conviction is firm. The only problem is, the Lixue of this time always wants to stay with me and showed different expressions I never saw before.

That leads me to think that he too was a different person residing on Lixue's body.

But who might it be?

No one comes to mind and it's ridiculous.

My train of thoughts went back to the real world when I heard a strange sound coming from the outside. It was a loud noise of something breaking, a groan, and a couple of thuds.


I tried to call the only person than me in the house several times but he never responds.

'Is there a burglar? But who will rub a house in a mountain?'

'Bandits? Nah, this is not a fantasy world.'

I covered my lower half with a white towel and opened the bathroom door trying to check what's happening outside.

But when I did the first thing I saw was the sharp silver knife hold by a man in a black-clad, aiming at Lixue's vulnerable back, who's busy beating another pair of strange people.

At that moment, I was filled with the thought that if Lixue died here I will also face death at the hands of his subordinates, Rez and Sharlyn.

My body moves before I could even think further where my legs are already in the air wanting to kick the man's head.

That was reckless of me, what if instead of Lixue he will aim at me? Fortunately, the man was so slow. My fierce kicked landed on his face before he could even notice.

The black-clad man dropped on the floor and instantly fainted. However, another thing fell too...

My towel.

"Ah..." an only word that left on my mouth. My precious jewel was greatly exposed in front of three-person, halting their movement while staring down at it with a calm countenance. Each of them has unconscious persons down their feet. Literally stepping on them.

"Ohh, it's average." Sharlyn the first one who breaks the silence stated, evaluating it. Her splendid hands have several pointed blades on them which is obviously for the man I've beat.

"My liege, forgive us for accidentally saw the 'thing' that must not be seen." Rex apologizes to Lixue and slightly bowed while hiding the gun in his coat.

Lixue's strongest subordinates are here, clearly, I was not needed. They could save Lixue without my help.

My hand covered my manhood even if it's too late. This time my brain didn't function well if I move out of the place or not. All I think is the great embarrassment I felt right now.

I want to hide in the deepest and darkest place in the abyss. Where my shame will cease to exist and forget this moment. This scene will surely stay on me for days, repeating in my mind like a broken plate, stopping me to fall asleep.

Lixue throw the fainted person with a ruined face on his hand and approached me. He then quietly picked my towel and wrapped my lower half with it.

The air around him is nothing but serious. "Thanks for saving me."

I only nodded.

"Rez, Sharlyn, forget what you see."

"Yes, my liege."

"Yes, my lord."

The two responded with a bow. Afterward, Sharlyn gives him a knife when he opened his hand. Lixue then crouched down towards the person I've beaten.

"What are you doing?" I asked curiously when he suddenly tapped the blade on the victim's face.

"I need to pluck this assholes eyes."

"Huh-What?!" I shouted in shock.

"He saw 'yours' in close proximity. His vision needs to vanish. No, he needs to die!"


What is he saying? This person was already unconscious before it happened. He didn't even flinch with that sharp knife touching his skin. He will sacrifice this man for the reason he doesn't want to hurt his subordinates who saw it with him instead.

"That 'gem' I must be the only one who will see it, no one else." He added firmly and about to start his gruesome activity.


Sitting in silence around the round table, envelopes in a solemn air full of tense, I interrogate the person who was the most suspicious,

"Lixue can you explain what truly happening? Why are those persons in my house? What's your real reason why you are here?"

He sighed, he seems hesitant to tell me what it is.

"Lahn I only want to show you good things about this world, but it's inevitable. Rez, Sharlyn, leave us first."

The two attendants followed his command who just finished cleaning the house, dragging those unconscious black-clad people with them. Knowing Rez it was surprising he didn't kill them for a reason that he was ordered not to.

When we are the only person left in the house Lixue starts to explain things.

"My grandfather, the head of Blake's family has declared last night about your existence Lahn, the omega that Blake's Alphas always searching for. The omega in a tale passed down through generation."

The news was like a bolt of lightning that strikes on me. I unconsciously touched the mark on my neck. What I feared the most has already started. [The Blake's Alphas' Competition to the Throne.]

The main reason I want to avoid Lixue.

When Lixue grasped my hand that's when I noticed how trembling it was. 'I... was afraid?' This grim feeling..., it's my Fear of Death that slowly crawls into me once again.

"Lahn, you are the key to the right of mine to be the next successor of the Head of Family which is why my relatives want your life. But I won't allow anyone to hurt you. No one will dare to touch what's mine."