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"Qrow." She greeted and then grimaced at the heavy stench of Alcohol coming from him "You're drunk. More than usual."

"Good to see you as well Glynda." Qrow slurred out.

She noticed Ironwood and Ozpin turning to look at one of the most powerful and experienced Hunter in their employee.

Ironwood would've usually commented about Qrow's lack of discipline by now but… they could all tell that something was wrong.

"Qrow. Is something the matter?" Ozpin asked.

"Nah." Qrow shook his head. "Just… just… mourning my bitch of a sister."

"Sister. Did something happened to Raven?" Ozpin asked with some worry.

She hoped that she could show the same amount of worry for Raven. But that woman had betrayed them. Had left them when they needed her. Especially after Ozpin went as far as to bestow the last remnant of his magic to her, giving her the ability to turn into a Raven.

And as far as she was aware, the worry that Ozpin was showing was for Qrow and not for Raven.

Because as much as those two siblings disliked each other, she knew that Qrow still considered Raven his sister. And after losing Summer…

"See for yourself." Qrow said as he passed on his scroll to Ozpin before he stumbled and fell on his butt and stayed there.

She moved to help him up but he waved her away so she went to Ozpin who was currently scrolling through a set of captured images.

"By the gods." She said as she looked at the heads adorning the gates of one of the smaller towns of Anima. "Aren't those."

"Branwen tribe members. Yes." Ozpin nodded before he scrolled to another image that showed a destroyed camp and a few corpses here and there.

And as Ozpin scrolled through the images, she quickly realized what had happened.

Raven's bandit camp had been attacked. By hunters. And powerful one at that. And whoever had attacked the camp had wiped out the Branwen tribe and had either killed or captured Raven.

And the only one able to boast such strength aside from the Headmasters of the four Hunter Academies was… Salem.

"How did this happen?" Ozpin asked.

"No idea." Qrow said as he chuckled and then took another swig from his flask "From what little I found, her camp was attacked by a team of Hunters. They took Raven and Vernal and sent the rest of her tribe to the local authorities. Of course, once the local authorities learned that these men and women were from the Branwen tribe, they gave those people the same treatment that they gave any other bandit roaming those areas."

"They were executed." Ironwood commented. "Probably even made a public spectacle of it to raise morale."

She found herself nodding at that.

The villages and towns outside large cities usually don't have a lot of resources. Sometimes they don't have enough food to feed their own children.

So the thought of keeping a bandit prisoner for long term was not a viable practice.

So whenever bandits like these were caught or captured… they were executed. To raise the morale of the town and to keep the other bandits away from them.

She personally didn't agree with this practice but even she had to agree that it was the practical choice.

"And to think that Raven ran away from us in order to not get caught up in the fight." Qrow said with a pained chuckle. "Should have stayed. Bitch probably would still be alive if she did."

"Do we know who did this?" Ozpin asked.

"No." Qrow shook his head "But I have an idea. Look at the next few images."

Ozpin did and…

"Those are some large footsteps." She said as she stared at the picture. "But what does this mean?"

"The Faunus that were attacked by the Night Walkers in the very first attack talked about a giant 4-5 meter tall mechanical humanoid with a dragon head." Ozpin explained "The size of these footsteps. It matches the description."

"But why would the Night Walkers want to attack Raven. Didn't they just returned some of the Dust stolen by the White Fang?" Ironwood asked.

"For a price my friend." Ozpin replied "For all we know, the Night Walkers might be allied to the White Fang and this just might be a scheme of theirs to convert the Dust into Lien."

"That sounds… a little far fetched." She said.

"Perhaps." Ozpin nodded "But as it is, we know too little about this group of elites to understand why they do what they do."

"No." Qrow said "I'm certain that they're with Salem."

"And why are you so certain of this Qrow?" Ozpin asked.

Qrow got up from the floor and took his scroll from Ozpin. Then he opened a hidden folder and showed it's images to Ozpin whose eyes narrowed upon seeing them.

"What am I looking at?" Ironwood asked as he looked at the devastated forest where a great fight seemed to have taken place and the effects of the elemental attacks still lingering around that area.

"The power of a Maiden." Ozpin said, suddenly looking ten years older "I did wondered where the Spring Maiden was. And now we know."

"Are you sure about this Ozpin?" Ironwood asked "This could simply be the aftereffects of a large scale Elemental dust attack."

Ozpin shook his head "I know the difference between the damage done with Dust rounds and then Damage done by a Maiden. And this… it is the work of a Maiden. I have no doubt about that."

"So you're saying that…" she hedged.

"Yes." Ozpin nodded "Raven either had someone in her tribe who was a Maiden or she herself was one."

"And the only one who knows about Maidens aside from us and has the resources to take them down is Salem." Qrow said "Or have you forgotten about what they did to Amber."

They were silent for a long moment as they processed the consequences of losing yet another Maiden to Salem before Ozpin finally spoke.

"Qrow, if you want then I can give a vacation-" "Fuck that. I'm going after the Night Walkers." Qrow said.

"Qrow…" She said, not knowing how to console him. They've worked for a long time but he always stayed away from them because of his Semblance. And now…

Qrow had not only lost his sister but he had also lost yet another member of his Team and perhaps the only person who ever understood him.

Ozpin and Qrow stared at each other for a long moment before Ozpin raised his cup and took a sip.

"Very well. If that is what you want. But I do have to caution you to be careful with this. If Raven had the power of the Spring Maiden then she would've been far more powerful than you. And the Night Walkers still managed to take her out. So…"

"Yes, yes. I'll be careful." Qrow said and took his scroll back from Ozpin "If there's nothing else Oz. I need to get back to Patch and tell Tai about this. Then we can both get hammered in a bar or something."

With those parting words, Qrow left the room and she let out a sigh she didn't knew she had been holding in as Ozpin turned to look at Ironwood.

"You still haven't told me about your purpose behind this meeting General." Ozpin said.

Ironwood nodded. "I'm afraid that it's yet another bad news."

"Can't be worse than this one." Ozpin said and she closed her eyes at his tempting of fate.

"It's… not worse than this one. But it's not good either" Ironwood said.

Ozpin gestured for him to go on.

"The White Fang recently attacked a Dust Processing Plant near Atlas. The largest one that the SDC had." Ironwood said "Tyrian and Hazel appeared to have aided the White Fang in this venture."

Ozpin closed his eyes upon hearing that. "So we have confirmation that the White Fang are now working with Salem or her pawns at least."

Ironwood nodded "Yes. And they just stole about half of the Dust that they stole from Vale in the past few months."

"I see." Ozpin nodded as he took another sip from his cup "I need some time to think over these matters Ironwood, Glynda."

She knew a dismissal when she heard one. And so did Ironwood.

She gave the Headmaster a worried look before she left the room, wondering if this situation could get any worse.

No… this situation could definitely get worse. Especially with all the Dust that the White Fang had stolen and with the Night Walkers working the background with the power of the Spring Maiden now on their side.

Yes, the situation was going to get worse.

And she needed to be prepared for it.

They all did.