the beginning

my name is Xander hollow and today's is like every other day treated like dirt, it's the first day of training school where all kids my age go this is where you go to become a soldier in the war for planets and territory. The military in this world controls almost everything including all the high value portals and rare essence orbs known as the legendary orbs to everyone else in fact almost anyone who wants to go anywhere in the world joins the military after training school because it's the only way besides joining a strong faction to get anywhere in life cause if your not strong you almost go knowwhere, the training school is like what high-school was before the linels attacked the difference you come to learn about the different planets,beasts,powers and orbs that you can possibly access as well as the aliens that fight us and the linel. For the next 2 years you travel off planet and spend almost every day at said facility learning to hone and gain your skills but for someone like me it's just means more bullying and worse then before at least at public school I could leave but at training school once your in your there until you either die or graduate. and today's my first day, Xander hollow as a voice was heard at the door of Xanders apartment, we are here to deliver you to training school please open up or force will be used, I hurry and open the door to see two soldiers awaiting me I invite them in as they tell me it's time for me to head off I quickly gather my stuff and make sure not to forget my necklace it's the only belonging I have left of my family I put around my neck as I board a bus, as I get on the bus I sit down for only moments later my face is then covered with a mask that then ejects some type of sleeping gas I try to fight back not knowing what's happening as I hear a guard say, looks like we have a fighter this bunch is lively this year as then a new person walks up he looks to be of higher authority he tells the soldiers to up the gas as I fall asleep. When I come to I wake up on the ground of an auditorium surrounded by tons of other first years also seeming to come to as well I get up as I hear a mic announce welcome to base delta, according to what I know each base of the training bases go by a number or symbol as delta could be one of the higher risk bases from what I've heard as I'm rambling to myself I feel a tap on my shoulder as I turn to see who it is a very strong looking guy says hi my names Owen nice to meet you I shake his hand as he asks so what's your power I look at him confused as he says oh sorry you probably call it different what's your essence limit I ponder for a minute if I should tell him before saying I don't have one I'm not capable of using them yet my body isn't capable without injection in this world when essence was discovered it was found out the most one body could use at once was three different essence orbs that meaning those with the most power could weald 3 at once well others 2 and 1 and those like me none as Owen looks at me he says well thats cool well I guess I'll just have to be strong enough for both of us consider me your first friend, At first I'm hesitant but I feel no evil intent coming off from him and I've never had a friend before considering how weak I was and he seems to accept me for me so I accept him as I'm talking to him the principle walks up to the stage, ladies and gentlemen welcome to base delta sorry for the way we had to get here but all bases where abouts must be kept secret we hope you understand but enough of all that we have business to cover everyone here will be undergoing a test to see one's ability and then will be assigned a communicator type watch which will display level allow you to purchase things with the daily credits we allow you and also will allow you to look at your class schedule but before you can receive your watch you must complete your field test when I call your names you'll be put in a group of 6 and sent out to field to show off your skill first off we first off we have Owen Nightshade, Kira Black, Matt Dune, Lynn Harold ,Kyle strong and Xander Hollow please head to field 1 and with that we were off.