Erick's Sacrifice

Mira gave a silent hand signal for Tinsel Pomfrey to start the now-famous 'hot tea break'.

He nodded and waved his hand at the announcer. Immediately, the gong sounded and the court announcer informed everyone about the random Princess tea break.

Everyone dutifully filed out of the Great Hall in groups of twos and threes, chattering softly amongst themselves.

As Hilda Cartier was being hauled off, Raphael Summer pumped two fists up into the air at Erick, as if to say, "Power to you, Prince!" Then he turned and ran to catch up with the group of guards that had just grabbed Duchess Hilda Cartier.

Raphael was, after all, the weapon that would be used to finish off the Duchess.

Erick turned to Mira. "How does it feel, my beautiful Lady, to have two Advisors die within two days of the Princess Consort's Court?"

"The Duchess Hilda Cartier is not dead yet."

Erick made a slashing motion across his neck. "She's already dead. She just doesn't know it yet."

He reached out to touch her face. "Furthermore, I did not want to befoul your court at this moment because you are here, My Love. You should only see beautiful things."

Mira swallowed. This was the god-awful truth.

There was no denying that there had been a person killed in each of the two days she had held King's Court.

She suddenly recalled Duchess Hilda Cartier's words...the King's Court had turned into a shambles. Mira had acquired the notoriety of being 'the Killer Princess'.

She closed her eyes, thinking about what Tinsel Pomfrey had told her previously. She was supposed to keep Zander's kingdom intact to await his return. Instead, she had been killing off random Advisors in his Court.

Mira cringed thinking about facing Zander and having to explain to him what 'the Killer Princess' was all about. What could she possibly say to Zander about the fact that she was practicing her 'Glockomancy' magik on one of his Advisors?

But that Advisor was waving his hands around above his head and making sparks fly between his fingers! He was going to shoot her with those blue sparks! She had to do something. Right?

Mira pouted. She hoped he would buy that.

The Crown Prince Erick Rashak was now standing beside her, pouring hot tea into a tea cup and then handing it to her.

Mira did not miss the surprised looks coming from those who were still inside the Great Hall. He was a Crown Prince. What terrible threat did she have over him that he felt the need to serve her tea?

Erick also noticed the glances. He didn't care in the least.

"Stop pouting and have some hot tea, My Love. You're doing an amazing job."

Mira grimaced. "Really? I don't know...I seem to be making a lot of people mad."

"Don't feel as if you have to apologize for your actions," he said with gentleness. "Do what you need to do with great conviction, and own the results. You owe no one any explanations because in the entire kingdom, you are the only one sitting on that chair. No one else is in the position to understand why you must do what you do."

"You sound very knowledgeable about this."

Erick laughed. "Mira My Love, I am also a Crown Prince. Half of my time at Jade palace is spent sitting on a very similar chair as the one you are sitting on. Believe me when I tell you that NO ONE can make the judgement call that you must make sitting on this throne. Do you understand?"

Mira nodded. Erick was probably one of the very few people who truly grasped the situation as it pertained to Mira. Zander would be another. Those who must shoulder the responsibilities of kingship would understand.

She sipped her hot tea and gazed out at the long blue runner that started at her dais and ended at the distant double doors.

Most of the activity that occurred in the Great Hall was done on that blue runner rug. It was made of some magik material that absorbed blood stains quite nicely and never showed a smudge of trouble no matter how great the extent.

"The Diamond King's Court has Advisors who use this blue carpet as a fight ring to establish dominance. I can tell they have been using this bully carpet for a very long time." She rubbed the bridge of her nose with a weary hand.

Erick shook his head with exasperation. "The number of times that poor old Griswold Toblerone has to keep pounding his scepter into the stone floor is a testament to the fact that nobody has much respect for those who are in charge of this court. And yet, if they only knew that old Toblerone could turn them into bogfrogs in the blink of an eye, they'd give him more respect."

"Maybe he least once. They are very pushy. They call me names to my face."

Erick's eyes narrowed. "I'd like to see them try it one more time. My hands are itching to crack some skulls."

"Was it always like this?"

"No. This throne was once highly respected---feared even. But then Uncle Leo Tamein lost his ability to directly wield magik powers. Without his ability to wield magik, the Advisors have found that they can use bullying tactics against him to advance their objectives.

Mira shivered. "If I hadn't done anything to establish my position as a legitimate chair-sitter, I would have probably been shoved into the ground and stomped on."

"They wouldn't dare! You have too many good people surrounding you and supporting you. Look…"

Erick pointed to the right side of the dais where Alfric was standing on guard. "Alfric Hobart is the top General Commandant in Ashrya. Under him is the entire dwarven ground troops. He's your teeth. Make your decisions and then implement them. If someone doesn't comply with your commands, have Alfric make an example out of him."

Mira bit her lip and nodded.

Erick then pointed towards Tinsel Pomfrey. "You also have this guy. He may look fairly young, but he's a lot older than us. He was the High Advisor to my father, the Jade Emperor. He began advising King Leo after my Aunt got married and moved to Diamond, and once Zander was old enough to take over the crown, he became Zander's High Advisor. Now, he advises you."

Erick grinned. "He's your brains. Take what he says seriously, and always ask him what he thinks before you make your own decisions. He has a lot of legacy and peripheral knowledge that can make or break a decision."

"I'm very grateful that he is holding the structure of this kingdom together so well."

"Yes. Tinsel Pomfrey would have made a great King of Diamond had certain things worked out differently."

"What happened?"

"Tinsel shall I put this...he likes men."

"Why would that stop him from being a king?"

"Well, part of a king's responsibility has to do with obtaining at least one, if not more, heirs for the kingdom. Tinsel likes men exclusively."

"He could adopt…"

Erick shook his head. "Tinsel truly does not want the job of chair-sitting. You have done it for a few days. See how fun it is?"

Mira shivered.

Erick laughed. "He much prefers to be in the background doing things on his terms, not in the bright spot light, getting rocks thrown at him. Besides---" Erick grinned. "He does not want to have to give up the love of his life. Being King means you can't have a male queen as your partner. The people would revolt."

"So Tinsel Pomfrey is related to you and Zander?"

"Yes. He is our cousin."

"He should have advised Zander to take over the throne so King Leo can retire."

"I agree. Zander should have taken over ages ago, but he just wants to roam around, doing whatever he fancied. Diamond kingdom still needed someone competent at the helm and Uncle Leo was the best of the best leaders."

"He had your aunt to help him."

"Yes. She was the source of his power and stability." Erick sighed. "Zander needs to find his parents soon. The longer they remain captives, the more precarious situations become."

Mira placed the tea cup back on the silver table. This was the perfect time to broach this subject with Erick.

"Erick---I want to go find Zander. I just get the feeling he needs me right now."

Erick stared at her for a long moment.

Just when she thought he would not say anything more about her requisition, his aquamarine blue eyes sought hers. He looked as if he had made up his mind about something important.

"When I was at death's door, I sought Zander for help and he risked his life to pull me into your world."

Mira shook her head. "It was crazy amazing, you guys just showing up at my house like that for a week."

He nodded. "You two saved me, Mira. I owe both of you my life. If it hadn't been for that reason alone, I would have fought Zander tooth and nail just to have the chance to be with you."

"What are you saying, Erick?"

"I'm trying to tell you that even though I'm the world's most selfish brute and I truly only want you for myself---if you ask me to, I will lend you my strength so you can be with him."

"You would do that for me?"

"Only for you, My Love. Just say the word. Together, you and I can help him find and rescue his parents."