The Fool In Love With You

It was barely six in the morning and already Mira could hear the sounds of Sunday morning cartoons playing on the big screen in the den. 

Who in the world was watching this stuff at this time in the morning? 

She glanced over at Zander.  He had not moved from his spot on the couch. 

She glanced at the IV pack.  It was a fresh pack! 

Someone had replaced it while she was passed out on the love seat.

Mira jumped up and ran into the den.

It was Carol!

"Did you get a crick in your neck sleeping on that tiny loveseat?"  Carol called out in a soft tone. 

Mira shook her head, a big grin on her face.  "You just got back!"

"On the Twilight Express, yep I sure did."

"Did Theo and Daran—"

"Yes Theo.  No Daran."

At her puzzled expression, Carol explained the situation, not going into too much detail.