Exiled in Paradise

It was Tuesday morning, five days after they had ported from the chaos that was Topaz. 

Cobalt Osiris sat under the large showy crepe myrtle tree in Erick Rashak's large courtyard staring morosely at the huge pink blooms cascading down from the sprawling branches. 

It was the first week of June and the air was fairly warm but the sun in Jade was nowhere nearly as warm as the sun shining down on Topaz. 

The dappled sunlight wavered about him as the early summer breeze wafted through the crepe myrtle, bringing with it a slight promise of an impending summer shower.

Promises, promises.

He'd been here a full five days and it hadn't rained once.  Topaz rain was always right on cue at least once or twice a week, lasting a couple of refreshing hours.