Shadow Realm

"The day of the chiro dive bombing was my wedding day.  It was chaotic and dangerous. My first instinct was to protect my bride." 

Zander's eyes grew misty.  "Because it was twilight, I took a gamble and opened a portal back to Azure from Diamond Palace."

Erick's eyes grew wide.  "There's a portal to Azure from Diamond Palace?  How come nobody knows about it?  Where is it located?"

"It is located in the middle of the Rotunda in the Outer Courtyard of Diamond Palace."

"Why there?" 

"We were performing our obligatory wedding dance that day when the chiros broke through the domed glass.  I created a quick exit portal and sent Mira back here."

"Just like you did at Tourmaline Bog that day when we escaped the bogwargs and the chiros." 

Erick rubbed his chin.  "Zander, why is it when there's an emergency, you always default to Mira's backyard?"

Zander's eyes glinted but he was mum.