Phở Noodle Soup

The self-driving passenger van that came had plenty of space for everyone, including Zander's folding wheel chair. 

Since it was rather late, it was lucky that they were able to find a Phở restaurant within driving distance to Mira's house that was still lit from within.

Outside the Phở diner, the neon OPEN sign was brightly lit.  Next to it was another sign that read:  24/7.    No luck was needed at all.

They all trooped in and took up half the small restaurant. 

There were only a few customers inside so the manager looked happy to see them. 

He greeted them with a few perfunctory words and handed them menus.  Since none of the Ashryans could read, they all shook their heads and pointed to Mira and Carol. 

"A round of phở for everyone."  She spread out her hands. 

Within minutes, fragrant steaming bowls of the beef noodle soup came out of the back kitchen along with mounds of fresh mints and basil and sprouts.