History as Myths and Legends

"But Theo—"

"Jana.  What we have been told by the elders go against the very foundation of what is taught to the Ashryan students within the schools."  Theo scowled.

"How do you know what's been taught in Ashryan schools?"  Jana turned a mocking eye.

"I was sent to Crystal Academy of Magikal Arts at Diamond as a child, Jana.  I know their curriculum well."

"You're a bogwarg.  How did you get in?"

Theo smiled grimly.  "My father saved King Leo Tamein's life once.  In return, I was allowed to attend school there."

"So you've been brainwashed."  Jana spat with disgust.

"Jana.  Think what you will, but do not rock the boat we're sitting on." 

He looked around.  "Everyone here cares about you.  None of us are your enemies and I won't let you treat us like one."

Jana pouted but did not retort.  She knew that Theo was right.