A Goat Named Keith

He rubbed his hands in anticipation.  "I want to go meet my sister as soon as I get some free time."

Mira nodded.  "I hope they get somewhere safe.  If the Mage Elites are going after them, sooner or later they will get hurt."

"Oh they got super lucky.  Or maybe it's super smart."  Erick grinned. 

"They hooked up with one of the Azurian Mob Bosses who live in Solaro.  He goes by the name of Sir Henri Montblanc."

"Wow fancy name.  I wouldn't expect someone like that to be a Mob Boss."  Mira chuckled.

Zander pursed his lips.  "He's as close to royalty as you're going to get in this part of Azure.  At the very least, he's got connections everywhere."

"Still, it sounds a bit scary to be hooking up with a Mob Boss."

Erick shrugged.  "I wouldn't worry about it.  I'm sure the twins will be just fine.  It's my little sister I'm worried about."

"I hope Sir Henri Montblanc doesn't give her a hard time.  She's still a young girl."