The Detach-Cauterize-Silence Command

Mira was in the living room brushing out Zander's long slate blue hair when the sound of thundering feet came through the kitchen.

"Your Majesty!  Your Majesty!"  A voice called out. 

Mira looked up.  This sounded serious.

It was Ziggy Astrid. 

The young dwarven captain ran into the living room and dropped down on one knee in front of Mira and Zander.

Zander held up a hand. 

"At ease.  Speak."

Ziggy Astrid took a deep breath. 

"Your Majesty.  The Emperor Erick Rashak has killed Prince Blain Rashak and Princess Dolores Vetica."

For a moment, Zander said nothing.  Then he nodded.

"What about King Vetica?"

"He is safe and back on the throne, Your Majesty."

"Good. Good."  He waved a hand.  "How is Erick?  Is he still in Ashrya?"

"Yes, Your Majesty.  He is doing well.  When I left, he had sent the SpecTac team to Citrine to prepare for the next offensive."

"Why Citrine?"  Mira frowned.