The Emperor Pulls Rank

After having clarified what Daran needed to do to ensure that Carol and Junior would be accorded the proper respects of legitimacy, Mira went looking for Erick.

She found him in the library, chatting with Raphael Summer about some drought situation happening in Jade and was about to leave them to their work when Erick noticed her from the corner of his eyes.


Mira paused.  She had already turned away from the entryway.  How did he see her?

"Come in.  Don't just leave without giving me a little loving acknowledgment."

Mira laughed.  "You guys are in serious talks about work.  I didn't want to bother you."

"You're the Queen of Diamond. There is nothing about what we say that you are not privy to." 

Erick reached out and grabbed her arm.  "Come back in and have a seat."  He repined as if he missed her badly when they had all breakfasted together just that morning.