The Duality of Reality

"Okay, slow down.  Slow down a bit.  I'm confused."  Carol raised her hands and pushed Daran towards the cushioned settee in their bedroom.

Daran took a deep breath. 

He started again, explaining the situation from the moment the pastry chef had congratulated him all the way up to the point where he walked out of the house in search of Eugene but ended up on top of the Bodhi tree instead.

Carol scrunched her face as she listened to the incredible tale that her husband was telling her.  It was so incredible, it sounded as if it was a fictional made-up situation. 

But it was real!

"Wait.  How old are your nieces?"

"Four and seven.  Neither they nor their mother have any idea this is happening."

"And your family is allowing this affair to continue within the family?"

"No.  They're not, but of course, Aileen and Eugene are adults.  Who's to stop them from continuing to meet with each other."