Castle Avalon

"Yes.  We were all quite shocked when Twilight's bald little head began shooting out purple fuzz."  Zander laughed gently.  "It eventually turned into this mass of purple hair."

"It's not a surprise if her parents had purple hair.  It's just genetics."  She gazed upon the child with a curiously detached feeling.  It was as if this was the first time she had ever seen the child.

Zander shook his head.  "That's not how Ashryan genetics work.  Her father has the same teal blue hair as Erick has, and her mother had red hair.  Even if one parent has blue hair and the other has red, we don't get purple haired children.  She should have had brown hair."

"Had?  Did her mother die?"

Zander nodded.

"But her father—"

"Is still alive.  He is my cousin, Alastaire Rashak.  He abandoned the baby, so now she lives with us."

"So the child is not really our adopted daughter, she's actually your niece."