Newest Residents of Avalon

Even with no stops in between Helene and Avalon, it still took the Helene passenger train 24 hours to reach Avalon's underground train station.

Part of the reason for the nonstop travel was due to the condition of the terrain around them. 

For 2/3 of their journey, the train went through a desolate wasteland.  The few towns that once dotted the train tracks had died a swift death from the first Scourge Winds that blew through. 

By the time subsequent Scourge Winds had made their way through, there was nothing left to kill.  All it did was cause a blighted landscape to become even more sullied and hideous. 

The SpecTac men took turns flying above and remaining with the passengers within the train.  Food and drinks came through at the appointed times and emergency health aid was given to those who had been injured.